Essential Questions Season 2 of “Nobody Wants This” Must Resolve

Despite leaving numerous questions unanswered, season 2 of Nobody Wants This must tackle these issues. Launched with acclaim, the Kristen Bell romantic comedy dives into the complexities arising from relationships spanning different ethnic and religious backgrounds.

The dynamic between Joanne (Kristen Bell) and Noah (Adam Brody) appears ideal in many ways. Their chemistry shines through, showcasing shared humor and unique expressions of affection. However, their relationship is further complicated by significant differences.

Notably, the stark contrast in their religious beliefs—Noah being Jewish and Joanne an atheist—stands out as a primary challenge. While Noah’s parents exemplify a happy marriage as immigrants, Joanne has a background rooted in divorce. While she uses humor as a shield, Noah embraces vulnerability.

The couple manages to navigate most of their differences throughout the season; however, religion becomes a contentious topic, ultimately impacting the conclusion of Season 1 of Nobody Wants This. Unresolved questions linger about their relationship, friendships, and family aspects, which season 2 must address.

Will Joanne and Morgan’s Nobody Wants This podcast be made available on Spotify?

Nobody Wants This (Netflix) Kristen Bell, Jackie Tohn, Beth Dover, Rachel Rosenbloom, Justine Lupe
Kristen Bell, Jackie Tohn, Beth Dover, Rachel Rosenbloom, Justine Lupe in Nobody Wants This | Source: IMDB

The premiere episode of Nobody Wants This introduces Joanne and Morgan (Justine Lupe), who co-host a podcast that Spotify is considering acquiring.

Over the season, they engage with company representatives numerous times, pitching live shows intended to boost their appeal as a potential purchase. However, the show sidesteps this storyline in the latter episodes, leaving the podcast’s status unclear.

A complication emerges in Nobody Wants This as Joanne strives to respect Noah’s privacy, leading her to disclose less about her personal life post-dating. Unfortunately, the public reacts negatively to this shift.

This choice regarding disclosure may jeopardize the podcast’s viability for a Spotify deal, given that Morgan and Joanne’s podcast focuses on modern relationships and sexuality. Therefore, clarifying the podcast’s future and confirming Spotify’s involvement is essential for Season 2 of Nobody Wants This.

Will the Board Consider Noah for the Head Rabbi Position?

In season 1, it becomes evident that Noah cannot ascend to the head rabbi position at the temple if involved with a non-Jewish partner. He believes it’s unfeasible unless Joanne contemplates conversion. Even the current head rabbi hesitates to propose him to the board. The series does not showcase the temple board, leaving Noah’s eligibility unconfirmed by any authorities.

Should the series continue for a second season, “Who Wants This” would greatly benefit from introducing board members and their viewpoints. The Jewish Telegraphic Agency indicates evolving policies regarding rabbis with non-Jewish partners, making it intriguing to explore the dynamics of an interfaith leadership position.

Are Sasha and Morgan Considering Infidelity with Esther?

Bonded by their shared perception as the “loser siblings,” Sasha and Morgan’s friendship is, at its core, innocent. However, Sasha’s secrecy about their communications raises eyebrows, as he deceives Esther about it.

Moreover, Morgan confesses to Joanne early in Nobody Wants This about having a sexual dream involving Sasha and admits to making poor choices when shopping at thrift stores. The season finale reveals her clarifying to Sasha that their friendship deviates from the norm. The narrative hints at a possible cheating incident involving Sasha and Morgan.

It’s crucial that this potential affair is resolved carefully in Season 2 of Nobody Wants This, as it risks jeopardizing numerous relationships within the series.

Will Miriam Pursue a Romance with Caleb?

Erin Foster presents a potential storyline for Miriam’s character in the second season. In episode four of “Nobody Wants This,” she returns home distressed after receiving a message from Caleb. To protect Miriam’s secret crush, Sasha fabricates an account of another girl with the same name to set up a date request.

Caleb, however, indicates a preference for a different Miriam, leading them to interpret his affection as directed toward Miriam Roklov, which delights her. This subplot may just be a catalyst for growth in Miriam’s character.

Thus, it’s likely that Season 2 of Nobody Wants This will delve deeper into Miriam outside her family’s shadow, showcasing her contrast to Joanne’s character.

What Type of Judaism Does Noah and Temple Chai Represent?

A significant oversight in season 1 of Nobody Wants This was the unclear delineation of the type of Judaism practiced by Noah and Temple Chai. The interpretations of rules, beliefs, and practices can vary greatly across Jewish denominations.

The series fails to clarify their Jewish affiliation, leaving ambiguities about whether Noah’s beliefs emerge from community norms, personal values, or the traditions taught by his parents. It’s plausible he was raised with more stringent beliefs contrasted with other characters like Rabbi Shirah.

Notably, Temple Chai might reflect a more traditional Jewish movement. Addressing these questions in Season 2 of Nobody Wants This will be critical, especially given the variance in interfaith marriage policies among different branches.

Are There Additional Interfaith Couples at Temple Chai?

Kristen Bell and Adam Brody in Nobody Wants This (2024)
Kristen Bell and Adam Brody in Nobody Wants This (2024) | Source: IMDB

Building upon the traditional aspects of Judaism, the second season should clarify whether interfaith couples exist at Temple Chai. Noah mentions that a union between a Jewish and non-Jewish individual could be problematic.

A Hey Alma article by Evelyn Frick clarifies that while Reform rabbis are discouraged from officiating interfaith marriages, this restriction doesn’t apply to Conservative rabbis.

While Conservative temples may have limitations, they remain open to interfaith couples. Despite Temple Chai’s affiliation with Conservative Judaism, the Rabbinical Assembly promotes inclusivity toward non-Jewish partners.

Considering the prevalence of interfaith marriages, it seems plausible that interfaith couples could be introduced in Season 2 of Nobody Wants This, potentially providing support to Noah and Joanne’s evolving relationship.

Will Joanne’s Consideration of Conversion Impact Others?

Kristen Bell and Adam Brody in Nobody Wants This (2024)
Kristen Bell and Adam Brody in Nobody Wants This | Source: IMDB

In the season finale of Nobody Wants This, Joanne decides—somewhat impulsively—to convert to Judaism out of love for Noah. While her intentions are noble, she is oblivious to the extensive requirements and implications of such a decision. When she informs Noah, he shares the news with others at the bat mitzvah.

He even suggests Joanne’s potential conversion to the chief rabbi for board consideration. If Noah had kept this news private, the fallout from her decision would likely have been less explosive.

However, Noah’s revelation to others sets the stage for potential backlash, notably from Bina, who disapproves of Noah and Joanne’s relationship. How others respond to this news will be a significant plot point in Season 2 of Nobody Wants This.

In Season 2, Will Bina Finally Win Joanne Over?

Prior to the debut of Nobody Wants This, concerns from the Jewish community arose surrounding the possibility of stereotypical portrayals. The overbearing Jewish mother trope has been a common critique, warranting attention in season 2.

Considering Bina’s established character, audience expectations remain for her development beyond the limited scope of a negative stereotype. If renewed for a second season, there’s an opportunity for Bina to evolve, even if she may not completely embrace Joanne.

About Nobody Wants This

Nobody Wants This is an American romantic comedy series, crafted by Erin Foster, featuring Kristen Bell, Adam Brody, Justine Lupe, and Timothy Simons. It explores the unique relationship between an outspoken agnostic woman and an unconventional Jewish rabbi. The series premiered on September 26, 2024, on Netflix.

Announced on March 1, 2023, Netflix greenlit this comedy series, loosely inspired by Erin Foster’s own experiences and featuring Kristen Bell in a leading role. Steven Levitan has also joined the crew as co-executive producer.

On May 15, 2024, the series was officially titled Nobody Wants This, with its launch date set for September 26, 2024.

Executive producers include Erin Foster, Kristen Bell, Steven Levitan, Craig DiGregorio, Sara Foster, Danielle Stokdyk, Oly Obst, and Josh Lieberman for 3 Arts Entertainment. The production companies involved are Steven Levitan Productions, 3 Arts Entertainment, and 20th Television.


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