Essential Tips and Tricks for Successfully Completing Planets in Wild Bastards

Tips And Tricks To Complete Planets

Let’s explore effective strategies to efficiently complete planets and exit swiftly.

Two hologram characters fighting
Image Source: Maximum Entertainment via Twinfinite

You Don’t Need To Eliminate All Enemies

While taking out enemies earns Infamy points, especially at the beginning, it’s often more strategic to focus on eliminating key roadblocks instead of every enemy. In certain maps, prioritize obtaining your target item and returning to the Drifter as quickly as possible.

Only One Outlaw Needs To Escape

It’s important to remember that only one outlaw needs to reach safety on the Stairway to ensure everyone’s escape.

If you’re faced with three outlaws and one is in poor health, position them by the escape route, ensuring a quick return to the Drifter.

Use As Much In-Map Help As Possible

Utilizing in-map assistance from beats or contract killers can be advantageous, even if it means spending moves. They can help eliminate roadblocks and moving foes effectively.

The thief is particularly beneficial for collecting items without needing to scour the entire map. Concentrate solely on the necessary roadblocks, as accumulating Infamy is less critical.

Leave Money, Collect Beans And Tonics

Although money can be useful at times, it resets after completing the planet, making it less worth the time spent collecting.

Instead, gather beans to foster friendships among your outlaws, which persist beyond individual planets. Tonics are beneficial as well, but note that they will be lost after completing a planet.

Collect As Many Power-Ups During Shootouts

Power-ups can significantly influence battle outcomes, depending on the outlaws you choose. Some possess unique powers, like randomly eliminating an enemy or creating a fiery aura that can turn the tide of battle. Others, like Spider Rosa’s hologram device, might not be as impactful, so select wisely before engaging in combat.

These tips and tricks should enhance your gameplay. For more information, check out the source.

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