Every Buddy Task evolution in Pokemon Go

Every Buddy Task evolution in Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go offers a variety of special evolution methods, with certain species requiring players to fulfill specific tasks before they can evolve. Therefore, here is a comprehensive guide to Buddy Tasks in the popular mobile game from Niantic.

In Pokemon Go, you have the opportunity to explore with a companion creature, known as a Buddy, who can gain Candy and enhance its abilities. This feature also serves as an evolution method for certain species, similar to friendship features in the mainline Pokemon games.

Buddy Tasks are unique requirements that certain Pokemon need to fulfill in order to evolve while accompanying you on your adventures. Below is a list of all the Pokemon that can evolve through Buddy Tasks.

Pokemon Go: Buddy Task Evolutions Guide

Below are all the species in Pokemon Go that can evolve by completing their Buddy Task. This includes the task itself and the amount of Candy needed.

Pokemon name Evolution Buddy Task Candy requirement
Eevee Sylveon Earn70 Hearts while set as Buddy Pokemon. 25 Eevee Candy
Pancham On the cart Catch 32 Dark-type Pokemon while set as Buddy Pokemon. 50 Pancham Candy
Swirlix Slurpuff Feed Swirlix x25 Berries while set as Buddy Pokemon. 50 Swirlix Candy
Spritzee He smelled it Use an Incense while set as Buddy Pokemon. 50 Spritzee Candy
Gallery Slowpoke Galarian Slowbro Catch 30 Poison-type Pokemon while set as Buddy Pokemon. 50 Slowpoke Candy
Gallery Slowpoke Galarian Slowking Catch 30 Psychic-type Pokemon while set as Buddy Pokemon. 50 Slowpoke Candy
Galarian Farfetch’d Sirfetch’d Make 10 Excellent Throws while set as Buddy Pokemon. 50 Farfetch’d Candy
Galarian Yamask Runerigus Participate in 10 Raids while set as Buddy Pokemon. 50 Yamask Candy

Buddy Tasks are accessible by locating the tab situated below the Evolve button on a Pokemon’s status screen. By tapping the arrow, players can view their progress on the Buddy Task. Once completed, the Candy requirement listed above will allow for the evolution of that particular species.

So, that sums up all the information you need to know about the Buddy Tasks in Pokemon Go!

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