Every Easter egg in Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions

“Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions is a tribute to devoted followers of the series and, consequently, is packed with hidden references. Here are all the Easter eggs we are aware of.”

The highly anticipated release of Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions is just around the corner, bringing to life the dream of players who were disappointed to find that the beloved sport was missing from Hogwarts Legacy. The inclusion of online multiplayer Quidditch matches with popular characters is an exhilarating prospect.

The Unbroken Studios team’s evident love for the Harry Potter series is reflected in their work. They have utilized a wide range of sources, such as the books, movies, and even older games, to include numerous references throughout the game.

We have created a compilation of all the Easter eggs found in Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions. Here is the complete list.

PlayStation 1 Hagrid

PS1 Hagrid mask in Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions
Warner Bros.

“Harry, can ye fetch me some Fire Seeds?”

One of the initial cosmetics unveiled for Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions pays homage to Harry Potter’s history in gaming. The first movie-based game for the franchise was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (known as Philosopher’s Stone outside of the U.S.) on PlayStation 1.

Looking back, the low poly characters were a source of nightmares for many children. None more so than Hagrid, who has become the subject of countless memes. Despite this, at the time, it was a dream come true for many children.

In addition to Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions, players have the option to wear a paper mask of the notorious PS1 Hagrid. We are confident that this will be a highly sought-after cosmetic selection.

Beuxbatons and Durmstrang in the flesh

Perhaps using the term “in person”may not be entirely accurate, but this news will certainly thrill fans of the books. Although we were introduced to characters from the other European wizarding schools in the Harry Potter films, we have never had the opportunity to see the actual schools.

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions provides us with a rare look at the Quidditch pitches of each school, something we have never seen before. What is even more exciting, is the first fully rendered depiction of Beuxbatons and Durmstrang in the background of the scene.

Harry Potter Quidditch Champions Easter Eggs - Durmstrang
Warner Bros. Games

Viktor Krum is the best Seeker in the world and he goes to school right here.

The location of Durmstrang is in the cold regions of Northern Europe, and the pitch accurately reflects this. In fact, one can even spot the ship that students used to sail to Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament.

Harry Potter Quidditch Champions Easter Eggs - Beaxbatons
Warner Bros. Games

Honestly, we just want to go for a swim at the Beaxbatons pitch.

On the other hand, Beuxbatons exudes a more elegant aesthetic with its marble architecture and a water feature surrounding the pitch. The school’s design is reminiscent of a chateau, perfectly suited for its location in France.

Harry’s Iconic Golden Snitch Catch

The event of Harry Potter catching the Golden Snitch in his mouth during his first Quidditch match may appear to be a random occurrence in the original story, but it holds great significance in the final moments. For many fans, it has become synonymous with the game of Quidditch itself.

The Unbroken Studios team has faithfully recreated one of Harry’s catch animations in the game. While it may not be a major addition, it serves as a nice tribute to fans.

Harry Potter Quidditch Champions Easter Eggs - Snitch Catch
Warner Bros. Games

It opens at the close…

The Burrow

Fans of the Harry Potter series are familiar with the fact that the main character often spent his summers at the Weasley’s house, engaging in Quidditch practice matches. Therefore, it seems fitting to have the practice pitch for the game located at the cozy and rundown home of the redheaded wizarding family.

There are numerous references to Harry Potter throughout the area, including Mr. Weasley’s flying Ford Angela and the mischievous garden gnomes. This could technically be considered multiple Easter eggs for Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions.

Harry Potter Quidditch Champions Easter Eggs - The Burrow
Warner Bros.

Rocket League crossover with Quidditch in flying cars?

We have already seen all of the Easter eggs in Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions, but we are confident that there will be even more to discover when the game is released on September 3, 2024.

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