Every subclass in D&D’s new 2024 Player’s Handbook

Exciting news for D&D players: a new Player’s Handbook is on the way, featuring a variety of brand new subclasses for you to select for your upcoming characters.

The subclass system in D&D 5E allows players to enhance their character’s abilities, setting them apart from other knights and sellswords in the game. However, some classes were not given as many options, as evidenced by the 2014 Player’s Handbook which only included two subclasses each for the Bard, Druid, and Sorcerer. This limited their choices compared to other classes.

The upcoming 2024 edition of the D&D Player’s Handbook will include 48 new subclasses, with each of the existing classes receiving four. As a result, certain classes will have new options available, while others may have some options removed temporarily until they are reintroduced in a future book.

The subclasses listed below have been confirmed to appear in the 2024 Player’s Handbook:

Class: Barbarian

DnD Barbarian
Wizards of the Coast

The Barbarian must select their subclass, known as “Path of the…”, at level 3. This choice grants them a variety of new combat abilities or spell-like powers, fueled by their rage and connection to nature.

The available Barbarian subclasses listed in the 2024 Player’s Handbook are:

  • The Path of the Berserker is dedicated to warriors who harness the full potential of their rage.
  • The Path of the Wild Heart is followed by those who revere nature and harness the mystical abilities of animal spirits.
  • Yggdrasil’s cosmic magic imbues these warriors with the power to master movement, along the Path of the World Tree.
  • The Path of the Zealot is reserved for those who wield divine magic, drawing upon the power of war gods to imbue their strikes with righteous fury.


A gnome bard playing a lute
Wizards of the Coast

In the 2014 Player’s Handbook, there were only two subclasses available for D&D’s magical music makers. However, in the latest edition, Bard players will now have the opportunity to choose from two additional options, adding even more versatility to this often comedic yet unexpectedly powerful class.

The subclasses for Bards listed in the 2024 Player’s Handbook are:

  • The College of Dance is comprised of bards who combine their talents in dancing and magic to surround and defeat their enemies in combat.
  • The College of Glamour specializes in Enchantment spells, harnessing the magic of the Feywild to captivate and control the minds of their foes.
  • The College of Lore is comprised of powerful magic users who possess the ability to acquire spells from different class lists and incorporate them into their own repertoire.
  • The College of Valour is made up of warrior poets who courageously fight on the front lines and inspire their comrades with powerful rallying cries.


D&D art of a dwarf cleric
Wizards of the Coast

The Cleric’s Knowledge, Nature, and Tempest subclasses did not make it into the latest Player’s Handbook, resulting in a few Domains being lost for the most powerful healing class. However, these subclasses have been replaced by updated versions of existing Domains.

The subclasses for Clerics listed in the 2024 Player’s Handbook include:

  • The Life Domain is known for their unparalleled mastery of healing and resurrection magic.
  • The Light Domain is characterized by those who wield holy flames and are capable of destroying the undead.
  • The Trickery Domain is characterized by mastery in deception and adeptness in misdirection.
  • The War Domain is suited for frontline healers who are comfortable with getting physically involved in battles.


D&D Strixhaven Magic the Gathering
Wizards of the Coast

The 2014 edition of the Player’s Handbook featured only two options for binders of primal energy in terms of subclasses. However, the latest publication has expanded this selection, now offering two additional subclasses including a never-before-seen option for Druids.

The subclasses for Druids listed in the 2024 edition of the Player’s Handbook are:

  • Circle of the Land: This circle is for those who derive their spells from the environment with which they have a strong connection.
  • The Circle of the Moon consists of shapeshifters who possess the ability to morph into powerful animals.
  • The Circle of the Sea is known as the masters of the storm and the most valuable companion for any aquatic journey.
  • The Circle of the Stars comprises of cosmic observers who possess the power to call upon the energy of the stars and unleash it upon the world.


Dwarven fighter artwork for new Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook artwork
Wizards of the Coast

The 2014 Player’s Handbook for D&D introduces an abundance of new options for the Fighter class, including the Weapon Mastery system which greatly enhances their regular attacks. Additionally, a psionic subclass will be available for Fighters in the upcoming Player’s Handbook.

The 2024 Player’s Handbook includes the following subclasses for the Fighter class:

  • Skilled fighters who employ advanced tactics and strategies to overcome their enemies are known as Battle Masters.
  • The champion is considered the top beginner class in the game, offering fixed options that enhance your strength without requiring extensive planning from the player.
  • The Eldritch Knight is a type of soldier who incorporates arcane knowledge into their skillset, allowing them to enchant their equipment and use spells during battles.
  • The Psi Warrior is a skilled telepath who possesses the power to enhance their attacks and defenses through telekinetic rage.


Every subclass in D&D's new 2024 Player's Handbook
Wizards of the Coast

Despite being one of the most intimidating classes in Baldur’s Gate 3, the Monk has always evoked mixed reactions in D&D 5E. In response, the new Player’s Handbook has implemented significant enhancements for the Monk, as well as introducing a new subclass.

The 2024 Player’s Handbook contains the following Monk subclasses:

  • Masters of life force, the Warrior of Mercy possesses the ability to both heal and harm through physical contact.
  • The Warrior of Shadow is essentially a ninja, utilizing shadow magic to outmaneuver their enemies.
  • The Elements’ Warrior: Mystic fighters who harness their Ki to cast spells.
  • The Warrior of The Open Hand is known for their unmatched mastery of unarmed combat, relentlessly pummeling their enemies with an endless barrage of strikes until they submit.


A Knight of Solamnia from D&D 5E's Dragonlance setting

Paladins are noble warriors whose unyielding dedication to a righteous cause grants them divine abilities. However, it should be noted that the 2024 Player’s Handbook will not feature any Oathbreaker Paladins, as this is currently exclusive to Baldur’s Gate 3.

The 2024 Player’s Handbook includes the following Paladin subclasses:

  • The Oath of Devotion is embodied by the most Lawful Good character, harnessing the power of the heavens to vanquish any fiends who dare come near them.
  • The Paladins who follow the Oath of Glory embody the spirit of the mighty warriors of Greek mythology, possessing unparalleled athletic abilities and a passion for individual combat.
  • The Oath of The Ancients is sworn by those who act as guardians of nature and ancient relics, wielding a combination of Primal and Divine magic to aid their swordsmanship.
  • The Oath of Vengeance is embraced by Paladins who prioritize the destruction of evil over protecting love. Fortunately, they possess divine blessings and power that aid them in fulfilling their duty.


D&D 5e's most unlikely class is the best thief in the game
Wizards of the Coast

Despite being considered the worst class in the 2014 Player’s Handbook, the Ranger has undergone significant changes in the new rulebook and has received an overwhelmingly positive response from players during the Unearthed Arcana playtest phase. With these updates, these nature warriors will finally be able to match the perceived overpowered abilities of Drizzt Do’Urden.

The subclasses for Rangers listed in the 2024 edition of the Player’s Handbook include:

  • As a Beast Master, these Rangers have the ability to tap into the power of a primal spirit and channel its rage during combat.
  • The Fey Wanderer Rangers possess a strong connection to the Feywild, allowing them to confuse and bewilder their enemies and call upon formidable fairies to aid them.
  • The Gloom Stalker Rangers thrive in the darkness of the wilderness, utilizing it to their advantage even when it becomes the most treacherous.
  • Hunter: In the old days, Rangers were known for their mastery of two weapons and a bow. This level of skill is still considered the peak performance for a Hunter.


D&D Rogues on heist

The Rogue, known for their cunning tactics and formidable skills in battle, has returned to the game. Similar to the Fighter, they now have the option to choose a psionic subclass from the new Player’s Handbook.

The subclasses for the Rogue listed in the 2024 Player’s Handbook include:

  • The Arcane Trickster is skilled in the use of the Mage Hand Cantrip and employs spells to enhance their abilities in stealth.
  • If the Assassin is able to take the enemy by surprise with their poisoned weapons, victory is almost guaranteed.
  • The Soulknife is similar to Psylocke from the X-Men as they both utilize psionic daggers to attack the minds of their enemies.
  • Rogue: This class is known for its exceptional scouting abilities and treasure hunting skills, making them experts at navigating and avoiding dangerous traps.


New D&D Player's Handbook has the most subclasses of any book - but there's a catch
Wizards of the Coast/Evyn Fong

In Dungeons and Dragons, every Sorcerer possesses an inherent aptitude for magic, surpassing that of any other class. The 2014 Player’s Handbook featured only two subclass choices for Sorcerers, resulting in numerous occurrences of Wild Magic Surges throughout the years. However, the new book offers them additional options.

The 2024 Player’s Handbook includes the following Sorcerer subclasses:

  • Their link to Lovecraftian abominations not only bestows them with psionic abilities, but also provides access to select spells from the Warlock spell list.
  • Clockwork Sorcery: These Sorcerers harness the power of magic to manipulate the forces of law. Through their abilities, they gain access to Cleric spells and can use their skills to sway the odds in their favor.
  • Draconic Sorcery: Due to their dragon ancestry, they possess elemental resilience and are able to gradually access the abilities of a wyrm.
  • Wild Magic: Their veins are filled with chaos, granting them the ability to manipulate probability. However, this also means that their own spells can be unreliable.


5E Warlock classic

Instead of attending magic school, the D&D Warlocks made a pact with a higher being for access to arcane abilities by signing a contract. While their new superior may eventually request favors, the Warlocks are currently able to utilize their bestowed powers as they please.

The 2024 Player’s Handbook includes the following Warlock subclasses:

  • If you form a pact with a leader of the Feywild, you will gain access to teleportation and spells with a fey origin.
  • Celestial Patron: By forming a pact with an angel, you gain access to spells that can heal and enhance your abilities.
  • Making a pact with a demon or devil as your Fiend Patron grants you the ability to utilize the dark powers of the underworld to deceive and vanquish your foes.
  • If you enter into a pact with an unfathomable entity from the Far Realms, you can tap into forbidden knowledge to overpower your enemies with inexplicable magic.

What is your name


What is your name

Spelljammer Adventures in Space Wizard
Wizards of the Coast

In the 2024 Player’s Handbook, the D&D Wizard lost four of its subclasses, including Conjuration, Enchantment, Necromancy, and Transmutation. However, like the Cleric, those who specialize in one of the eight magical schools and learn arcane spells can expect them to return in a future book, as they have been a long-standing part of the game.

The 2024 Player’s Handbook includes the following subclasses for Wizards:

  • Abjurer: Individuals who possess spells capable of creating barriers and banishing outsiders to their home plane.
  • Diviner: Individuals who employ magic to perceive distant objects and obtain insights into what is yet to come.
  • The Evoker is a person who possesses the ability to control the elements and utilizes them to defeat monsters.
  • Illusionist: Individuals who craft convincing illusions that can deceive the perceptions of others.

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