Ex-BIGBANG Seungri Plans To Open New Club Despite Previous Burning Sun Scandal

Despite the major scandal surrounding the Burning Sun incident, Seungri, a former member of BIGBANG, is reportedly considering opening a new club.

Burning Was was a well-known nightclub located in the Gangnam district of Seoul, South Korea, in case anyone is not familiar. Seungri, a former member of BIGBANG, was the owner of the club. In 2018, the club gained notoriety for being involved in illicit activities including drug use, sexual misconduct, non-consensual recording of sexual acts, and other illegal actions.

Ex-BIGBANG Seungri Reportedly Plans To Open New Club Despite Previous Burning Sun Scandal
Ex-BIGBANG Seungri Reportedly Plans To Open New Club Despite Previous Burning Sun Scandal (Photo : News1)

Although the controversy initially arose in 2018, it garnered renewed attention when the BBC aired a documentary about the event, highlighting Seungri and other prominent individuals’ role in the scandal.

In light of the renewed controversy, Seungri has garnered more attention than ever before. According to multiple sources based in Hong Kong, the former BIGBANG member is reportedly making plans to open a new nightclub on May 22, 2024.

One netizen reported witnessing Seungri at Creamfields Hong Kong, a music festival held in Hong Kong. The netizen also disclosed that Seungri currently lives in Hong Kong and is employed at a nightclub. It is rumored that he intends to conduct business in the East Tsim Sha Tsui region.

Ex-BIGBANG Seungri Reportedly Plans To Open New Club Despite Previous Burning Sun Scandal
Ex-BIGBANG Seungri Reportedly Plans To Open New Club Despite Previous Burning Sun Scandal (Photo : @sophiee1116 on Threads)

According to a screenshot shared by a netizen, Seungri can be seen socializing with nightclub owners and alcohol distributors. Additionally, he is pictured with women who are known as “gold diggers”and have undergone multiple plastic surgeries.

Despite numerous reports and backlash from netizens, it has been widely discussed that he is profiting in Hong Kong. Many express disapproval of his actions, criticizing the ex-idol for his lack of shame and guilt. The mere thought of him eagerly opening a new nightclub is repulsive to some.

Ex-BIGBANG Seungri Reportedly Plans To Open New Club Despite Previous Burning Sun Scandal
Ex-BIGBANG Seungri Reportedly Plans To Open New Club Despite Previous Burning Sun Scandal (Photo : News1)

Several others remembered his previous scandals, highlighting Seungri’s alleged involvement in drugging women for the purpose of sexual assault. He was also accused of distributing these drugs to his acquaintances. Many are urging caution for women regarding Seungri and requesting that he refrains from selling these substances to individuals in Hong Kong.

Several comments stated,

  • “Wow, he is permanently living in Hong Kong. I hope women won’t throw themselves at him.”
  • “Seungri probably has dirt on a lot of rich men.”
  • “Seungri probably still has a date rape drug business. This is insane, he has no shame or guilt. He is still going around partying and even telling people he’ll bring G-Dragon with him. He even sings at parties. He is f*cking crazy, why was he released from prison so soon?”
  • “Does Seungri plan to bring his date rape drug business to Hong Kong?”
  • “This is disgusting. When is Seungri going back to prison for life?”

Share your thoughts on the situation in the comments section below!

According to K-Net, Seungri is being exposed for allegedly wanting to engage in sexual activities while listening to the song “Fantastic Baby”.

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