Ex Call of Duty Pro Athlete Breaks 24-Hour Pull-Up World Record After Getting Fit

Doug ‘Censor’ Martin, a former professional Call of Duty player for over a decade, decided to retire in early 2024. His dedication to fitness and charity motivated him to attempt breaking the world record for the most pull-ups in 24 hours.

Censor prepared for this ambitious challenge for more than a year, with posts from 2023 showcasing his struggle to complete the task. He described pushing himself to the limit, even claiming he continued until his hands bled.

In July 2023, he managed only about five hours of pull-ups, stating that the endeavor severely affected his body, particularly after three hours.

A year and a half later, Censor surpassed the previous record with five hours remaining, completing almost 9,000 pull-ups in just 19 hours, demonstrating that the record had room for new contenders.

Warning: The clip below is loud.

But he didn’t stop there; Censor pushed further, ending with a staggering total of 9,250 pull-ups, significantly exceeding the previous record. However, he decided to finish the attempt at that point.

He later shared a photo of his hands post-attempt, revealing the physical toll taken: battered, bruised, heavily calloused, and blistered. The challenge clearly had a significant impact on his body.

Censor also released a video detailing his training duration for the event, revealing that he had aimed for a goal of 11,111 pull-ups in 24 hours.

Although the total amount raised for charity hasn’t been finalized, his stream recorded over $8,500 at one point.

“We’re gonna be raising money for Project Purple, a charity dedicated to fighting pancreatic cancer, which personally affected my family when my grandmother passed from it. I switched schools due to the trauma; it was a transformative period in my life,” he explained.

Censor expressed a desire to transform his emotional pain into a drive for this world record attempt.

“This process makes you the worst version of yourself humanly imaginable. I feel so happy to have reached this point knowing I won’t endure such a trial again,” he added.

While he appears adamant about not attempting another record, it remains to be seen whether he will go back to pursue his initial goal of 11,111 pull-ups.

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