Experience the Terrifying Endings of Baldur’s Gate 3: Unleashing the Power of Evil

The long-awaited evil endings of Baldur’s Gate 3 have finally arrived, and they are not suitable for those with a gentle heart. Here is what you need to know.

Prior to the release of Baldur’s Gate 3’s Patch 7, Larian had already provided a preview of the potential malevolent conclusions that players can encounter in the game.

We can deduce that it is indeed feasible to manipulate individuals’ minds, causing them to believe they are leading a tranquil existence and even coercing their peers to take their own lives.

With the release of Patch 7, we can now gain a deeper understanding of the actions that caused these events to occur. And the truth is even more disturbing than you might have initially imagined. Spoiler alert ahead.

If you decide to take control of the brain, there will come a time when you must pass a difficult test in order to maintain your composure and avoid undergoing ceremorphosis.

Depending on your luck, the paths from here on out may diverge into various scenarios based on your decisions. If you are unsuccessful in passing the check, you will become a Mind Flayer and become part of the “Grand Design.”

Alternatively, if luck is on your side, you will have a variety of options to choose from when it comes to carrying out tasks. These options may include:

  • Conquering the world with your tadpoled army
  • Building a “Saviour of the World” massive statue for yourself
  • Killing everyone
  • Controlling people to slaughter each other

Perhaps I am simply not accustomed to evil playthroughs, but among all of these options, the last one truly seemed most suitable for those who relish chaos.

My expectations for the scene were for it to be a chaotic fight as the camera zoomed out, but that was not the case. I was surprised when I saw a Tiefling child being manipulated and laughing like a maniac while stabbing someone instead.

Additionally, Origin characters have also been given new evil endings, such as Astarion claiming to be a “sun god.”This is just one example, as there are many other generic endings as well.

Larian was not exaggerating when they stated that they had included the new evil ending cinematics in the [Show Sexual and Violent Cinematics] setting because they may have embraced corruption a bit too much. These cinematics truly embody pure evil.

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