Explained: The Perfect Couple Ending and the Mystery of Merritt Monaco’s Murder

The murder mystery plot of The Perfect Couple is filled with suspenseful twists that keep audiences guessing. This Netflix miniseries, adapted from the book by New York Times bestselling author Elin Hilderbrand, begins with the Winbury and Sacks families gathering at the Winbury estate on Nantucket Island for Benji and Amelia Sacks’ wedding.

The narrative shifts dramatically when Amelia finds her maid of honor and best friend, Merritt, dead in the ocean.

As the police investigate this murder case, they uncover that nearly every key character in The Perfect Couple had a potential motive for killing Merritt. With the revelation of Merritt’s pregnancy and her affair with Tag, the most obvious suspects become clear: Merritt and her husband.

In addition, a provision in the Winbury children’s trust funds would mean that Merritt’s pregnancy could impact them financially. Ultimately, the thrilling conclusion sheds light on the reasons behind Abby’s action in killing Merritt while revealing significant truths about public perception versus private reality.

The Usual Suspects Turn out to be The Red Herrings

Nicole Kidman, Jack Reynor, Billy Howle, and Sam Nivola in The Perfect Couple (2024)
Nicole Kidman, Jack Reynor, Billy Howle, and Sam Nivola in The Perfect Couple (2024) | Source: IMDB

The motivations for murder are typically rooted in love, money, or revenge. These three factors ultimately underpin Merritt’s murder. Although financial motives are revealed as central, love and revenge initially seem to be the primary drivers.

Merritt and her wife, Greer Winbury, top the suspect list due to Merritt’s affair with Tag and her pregnancy. Police suspect that Tag wanted the pregnancy terminated as the brief relationship evolved unexpectedly. Greer’s motivation stems from her animosity towards her husband’s mistress.

However, just having a motive is not enough for conviction. As the police establish alibis for Tag and Greer, their innocence becomes evident. Tag uses proof from his watch to confirm he was in his room during the murder. Greer momentarily left, but her connection with Broderick Graham clarifies her innocence.

With other family members in the mix, none exhibit a strong motive for Merritt’s death, as they initially viewed her affair with Tag as trivial.

The real impetus behind Abby Winbury’s actions leading to Merritt’s death is revealed to stem from the pregnancy, rather than the notion that it threatened to disrupt their lives. Understanding the Winbury family’s background is essential to grasping the murder’s context.

Why Abby Killed Merritt In The Perfect Couple

Meghann Fahy in The Perfect Couple (2024)
Meghann Fahy in The Perfect Couple (2024) | Source: IMDB

The Perfect Couple maintains intrigue by withholding the resolution to Merritt’s murder until the final episode’s conclusion. Ultimately, Abby takes drastic actions to kill Merritt, using pills and drowning to carry out her plan.

While others appear to have stronger motives, Abby’s financial motivations are significant; the Winbury children would only access their trust funds upon reaching the age of 18. With Thomas indebted to Isabel and Abby yearning for a new apartment, the trust funds become critical.

Since Tag would be the father, Merritt’s pregnancy meant they would have to wait even longer for their inheritance, presenting a direct threat to their financial plans. This prompted Isabel to intervene with Thomas when he confronted Merritt. Thus, Abby decided to take matters into her own hands.

How is Abby Caught

Michael Beach and Donna Lynne Champlin in The Perfect Couple (2024)
Michael Beach and Donna Lynne Champlin in The Perfect Couple (2024) | Source: IMDB

After the police find barbiturates in Merritt’s body, Thomas comes under scrutiny due to his habit of pilfering pills. He has previously taken medication from Amelia’s mother, inadvertently jeopardizing her health.

Interrogated by police, he admits to almost shooting Merritt, claiming it was to protect his father. Although he spent the night at the Sand Dollar Hotel with Isabel, the police are suspicious of his alibi.

Abby, too, had claimed she was with Thomas all night. However, as her story unraveled, it became clear that Abby was fabricating an alibi for her own protection.

As detectives scrutinize Abby’s testimony, they begin to notice inconsistencies. Detective Henry recalls Abby ordering the maid to wash a glass that was unusually hot. Furthermore, on the morning the police arrived, Abby exhibited unusual anxiety.

When pressed about Thomas’s whereabouts that night, Abby lies about his presence. This lie, combined with mounting evidence, leads to her eventual arrest. Interestingly, it is Greer who connects the dots right before the police arrive, uncovering that her daughter-in-law masterminded the murder.

What Happened To Merritt’s Killer

Dakota Fanning and Jack Reynor in The Perfect Couple (2024)
Dakota Fanning and Jack Reynor in The Perfect Couple (2024) | Source: IMDB

After confessing to her crime, Abby is taken away from the Winbury estate in handcuffs. This outcome starkly contrasts with Hilderbrand’s original novel, where the murderer escapes accountability due to the ruling of an accident.

The Netflix adaptation emphasizes that the law applies to everyone, including those from affluent backgrounds. In this case, both Karen and Thomas could have faced charges but were ultimately not prosecuted for their involvement in the tragic event.

Will Amelia and Benji Remain Together

Eve Hewson and Billy Howle in The Perfect Couple (2024)
Eve Hewson and Billy Howle in The Perfect Couple (2024) | Source: IMDB

While Amelia longs for a deep connection, her doubts about marrying Benji linger, feeling he is too perfect and lacking passion. Despite societal pressures, she desires to love him.

The ridicule she faces from the Winbury family only complicates matters, reinforcing her feeling of alienation. Ultimately, the disparity in upbringing becomes a theme, finally resulting in their breakup by the series’ end.

Amelia’s rekindled feelings for Benji’s best friend, Shooter, ignite the final separation. Their past connection had always been evident, leading them to suppress their emotions. When Shooter proved to be affluent as well, Amelia recognized that socioeconomic differences were not the primary issue at play. Instead, it was their shared values and emotional bonds that brought them closer. In the end, Amelia and Benji decide to part ways.

The Extramarital Relationships in The Perfect Couple

Nicole Kidman and Liev Schreiber in The Perfect Couple (2024)
Nicole Kidman and Liev Schreiber in The Perfect Couple (2024) | Source: IMDB

The prevalence of extramarital affairs in The Perfect Couple raises compelling questions about the disparity between appearance and reality. Greer and Tag presented an image of a perfect couple, promoting their family as ideal through Greer’s books. However, hidden beneath this facade were conflicts, betrayals, and harsh judgments.

Their wealth did not shield them from infidelity; rather, it may have fueled a belief that they would face no repercussions. The Winbury family ultimately illustrates that even families that seem flawless harbor significant secrets.

The Reasons Greer Dislikes Amelia in The Perfect Couple

Nicole Kidman in The Perfect Couple (2024)
Nicole Kidman in The Perfect Couple (2024) | Source: IMDB

Throughout the series, Greer exhibits deep disdain for Amelia, showing reluctance to accept her into the family. Greer’s animosity stems from her desire to uphold the Winbury family’s prestigious image. As the family matriarch, she feels compelled to maintain the illusion of perfection, making acceptance of Amelia challenging.

Unlike Greer, Amelia is unmarried and childfree, giving her the freedom to pursue a career in zoology without the burden of outward expectations. Despite Greer’s initial insistence that the wedding be called off, her perspective on Amelia shifts as the narrative unfolds.

What The Perfect Couple’s Final Scene Really Means

By the end of The Perfect Couple, the Winbury family is unveiled as a picture of dysfunction, contradicting their public image as a model family. The narrative challenges the notion of an ideal family, revealing that even the most esteemed families may be riddled with internal conflict.

Ultimately, the series compels audiences to reconsider their perceptions and understanding of people’s lives outside their own.

About The Perfect Couple

The Perfect Couple is an American mystery drama series featuring prominent actors like Nicole Kidman, Liev Schreiber, Dakota Fanning, and Eve Hewson. The adaptation of Hilderbrand’s novel premiered on September 5, 2024, on Netflix. Originally announced as a Fox Entertainment project in 2019, the series was developed with Jenna Lamia as the showrunner and Susanne Bier as director, eventually leading to a six-part series greenlit by Netflix in August 2022. The series includes notable casting of Kidman, Schreiber, Fanning, and others.

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