Explaining Overwatch 2’s New Competitive Drives System

The mid-season update for Season 12 of Overwatch 2 has arrived, introducing a brand new feature called Competitive Drives. This exciting system allows players to earn unique cosmetics through dedicated ranking efforts.

Previously announced at the start of Season 12, the Competitive Drives feature offers a new type of cosmetic called Signatures, which players can earn through competitive gameplay, not purchased.

Since this new feature can be a bit overwhelming, here’s everything you need to know about Competitive Drives and what Signatures entail.

When Will Competitive Drives Launch?

There is currently no confirmed launch date for Competitive Drives, but it is expected to debut at the close of a Ranked season.

Season 13 is set to be released on October 15, so it’s reasonable to anticipate that Competitive Drives will likely commence during the last week of September.

This feature aims to motivate more players to engage in ranked matches towards the end of a season, as those grinding during the final weeks often experience lengthy queue times.

We will provide updates here once the official start date is confirmed.

Understanding Competitive Drives in Overwatch 2

You can view Competitive Drives as a hybrid of ranked progression and the Battle Pass system.

This feature includes a progression ladder with six checkpoints. Achieving each checkpoint will yield rewards, which consist of either a Signature or Competitive Points.

Overwatch 2 Competitive and Legacy points

By participating in the Competitive Drives event, players can earn enough Competitive Points to acquire a Golden Gun.

With each checkpoint completed, the rewards increase in value and exclusivity. Completing the entire Competitive Drive will earn you an Elite Signature, plus a total of 3,000 Competitive Points. This amount is sufficient to purchase either a Golden Gun or a Jade weapon skin.

To earn Competitive Drive points, you must win ranked matches. However, losing will result in a loss of progress, which proves challenging as consistent winning can be tough.

Fortunately, the checkpoints protect you from regression; once you’ve reached a reward, it won’t be lost due to losses, and you can’t drop below the last checkpoint.

The following table outlines all six checkpoints and their corresponding rewards:

Checkpoint Rewards
1 500 Competitive Points
2 Signature
3 1000 Competitive Points
4 Advanced Signature
5 1500 Competitive Points
6 Elite Signature

What Are Signatures in Overwatch 2?

Signatures are a unique type of cosmetic introduced exclusively through the Competitive Drives feature in Overwatch 2.

To obtain a Signature, players must meet the designated checkpoints outlined above. There are three tiers: Signature, Advanced Signature, and Elite Signature, each indicating the extent of your ranked efforts.

Overwatch 2 Competitive Signatures in-game

Your Signature will appear wherever your BattleTag is visible.

Signatures automatically upgrade as you earn higher tiers, preventing you from equipping a lower tier if desired.

This cosmetic will be visible to all players in places like your Name Card, Play of the Game highlights, Scoreboard, and during Hero Selection.

Note that your Signature will be removed following a Rank Reset, which occurs biannually. The last Rank Reset coincided with the start of Season 12, with the previous one occurring at the start of Season 9.

If you’re seeking bragging rights, now is the perfect time to grind ranked as Season 12 is wrapping up.


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