Explaining the Best Deadlock Crosshair Settings for Optimal Performance

For any shooter, it is crucial to find a suitable crosshair in Deadlock. Therefore, presented below are some of the top choices along with useful tips to keep in mind.

Finally, after months of keeping it under wraps, Valve has officially recognized Deadlock, giving the public a chance to discuss and catch a glimpse of the game in its early development.

Bringing a fresh perspective to the hero shooter and MOBA genre, this game aims to find a balance between the two. As it falls under the shooter category, it also demands a certain level of skill in aiming mechanics, unlike your typical MOBA.

A crosshair is essential for precision aiming. If you’re a beginner, here are some recommended crosshairs to use, along with important considerations for personalizing it to your preferences.

Things to know when adjusting your Deadlock crosshair

Despite being in early access, our crosshair options may not be as extensive as those found in other Valve titles such as Counter-Strike 2. However, there are still sufficient customization choices available for making basic adjustments.

However, it is important to note that due to its early-access status, the game may contain several bugs. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of some crosshair bugs before making any customizations:

  • Making Gap zero only makes the crosshair gapless when the height is at 20
  • The dot in Dot Opacity is slightly misaligned
  • Depending on settings, Pip Opacity can make your crosshair completely black

Rest assured, these are simply early bugs that will likely be resolved in the near future. We will be sure to inform you here once they are fixed. However, if you are creating your own crosshair, it would be wise to keep these issues in consideration.

As a result of the bugs, you will have to utilize quite a few console commands to fix the issues. We have provided a comprehensive list of commands for crosshairs along with a brief explanation of their functions below.

Deadlock console commands

Due to the settings bugs the console commands are a useful tool to dial in your crosshair

  • citadel_crosshair_color_b: Controls how blue the crosshair is
  • citadel_crosshair_color_g: Controls how green the crosshair is
  • citadel_crosshair_color_r: Controls how red the crosshair is
  • citadel_crosshair_dot_opacity: Controls the opacity of the colored dot
  • citadel_crosshair_dot_outline_opacity: Controls the opacity of the dot’s outline
  • citadel_hit_marker_duration: Controls how long hit markers stay on screen
  • citadel_crosshair_pip_border: Turns off or on line borders
  • citadel_crosshair_pip_gap: Control the crosshair gap
  • citadel_crosshair_pip_height: Controls how long the crosshair lines are
  • citadel_crosshair_pip_opacity: Controls the opacity of the colored lines
  • citadel_crosshair_pip_width: Controls the width of the lines

In order to access the console commands, you must press F7, or you have the option to change the key binding in the settings.

Typically, players may encounter issues with the gap remaining open even when it is set to 0. To fix this, you will have to access the console and enter the command “citadel_crosshair_pip_gap [insert number].”Decreasing the number will cause the gap to close.

To begin, here are a few crosshairs to get you started, now that we have addressed that topic.

Best Deadlock Crosshairs

Basic Crosshair

  • Gap: 0
  • Width: 0
  • Height: 10
  • Pip Opacity: 1.00
  • Show Pip Border: Off
  • Dot Opacity: 0
  • Dot Outline Opacity: 0
  • Red: 255
  • Green: 255
  • Blue: 255
  • Console Command: citadel_crosshair_pip_gap -2
Deadlock basic crosshair

This crosshair is extremely straightforward, with a plain white design that will suit the preferences of almost anyone.

Despite setting the gap to 0, you may still see a gap in Deadlock’s crosshair. This is due to some bugs that have been mentioned previously. To eliminate the gap, you can enter citadel_crosshair_pip_gap -2 in the console.

Basic cross with dot

  • Gap: 3
  • Width: 0
  • Height: 15
  • Pip Opacity: 1.00
  • Show Pip Border: Off
  • Dot Opacity: 1.00
  • Dot Outline Opacity: 0
  • Red: 255
  • Green: 255
  • Blue 255
Deadlock dot and cross crosshair

This crosshair is a basic cross and dot design, which closely resembles the default option but appears cleaner and more transparent.

For the most part, this crosshair is the preferred choice among players as it offers a good balance of visibility and precision. The dot in the center aids in accurately targeting enemies while still allowing for a clear view of your actions.

It is possible that you have noticed the misalignment of the dot, which is another bug that will hopefully be patched out by Valve in the near future.

Dot crosshair

  • Gap: 0
  • Width: 0
  • Height: 0
  • Pip Opacity: 0
  • Show Pip Border: Off
  • Dot Opacity: 1.00
  • Dot Outline Opacity: 1.00
  • Red: 255
  • Green: 255
  • Blue: 255
  • Console commands: citadel_crosshair_pip_gap -5 and citadel_crosshair_pip_height 0.6
Deadlock dot crosshair

If you would rather have a basic dot as your crosshair, then this option is suitable for you.

You may observe that the colored dot is not perfectly aligned with the outline, which is another bug that causes it to deviate from its usual centered position.

We attempted to fix this issue by implementing the citadel_crosshair_pip_gap -5 and citadel_crosshair_pip_height 0.6 commands in order to achieve a centered dot. However, this solution was not entirely effective.

If you are someone who uses a dot crosshair, you may simply have to accept the misalignment until Valve addresses the issue.

Green Crosshair

  • Gap: 0
  • Width: 0
  • Height: 10
  • Pip Opacity: 1.00
  • Show Pip Border: Off
  • Dot Opacity: 0.65
  • Dot Outline Opacity: 0
  • Red: 0
  • Green: 255
  • Blue: 0
Deadlock green crosshair

The crosshair we use is simple, and we turn it green to provide better contrast with the red enemy outlines and environment.

We have decreased the Dot Opacity to 0.65 in order to avoid being distracted by the slight off-centering of the dot. However, it is still helpful in assisting us with aiming.

Purple crosshair

  • Gap: 0
  • Width: 2
  • Height: 13
  • Pip Opacity: 1.00
  • Show Pip Border: Off
  • Dot Opacity: 0
  • Dot Outline Opacity: 0
  • Red: 200
  • Green: 67
  • Blue: 200
Deadlock purple crosshair

This crosshair is also simple, but this time it is purple for those who prefer a different color.

This one should be a size that allows you to quickly aim, while still being small enough to maintain precision.

We have chosen a slightly lighter hue of purple as it is most suitable for us, however, your vision and screen may differ from ours, so please adjust the colors according to your personal preference.

Shroud’s Crosshair

Shroud's deadlock crosshair
  • Gap: 0
  • Width: 2
  • Height: 6
  • Pip Opacity: 1.00
  • Show Pip Border: Off
  • Dot Opacity: 0.7
  • Dot Outline Opacity: 0.9
  • Red: 0
  • Green: 255
  • Blue: 255
  • Console command: citadel_crosshair_pip_gap -2

Shroud’s crosshair in Deadlock is nearly indistinguishable from his CS2 crosshair, featuring a small cyan crosshair with a dot outlined in the center.

In order to obtain the ideal gap, he utilizes the command citadel_crosshair_pip_gap -2 in the console. Therefore, if you are a fan of Shroud’s crosshair in CS2, this one should be just right for you.

For now, this is everything you need to know about crosshairs in Deadlock. Since the game is still in its early playtesting phase, there will likely be additional crosshair options and types added in future updates. We will keep you informed on any developments as work on the game progresses.

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