Explanation of Makima’s actions towards Angel Devil in Chainsaw Man

The universe of Chainsaw Man is highly captivating, as it centers around a unique concept. In this world, there exists a race of supernatural beings known as Devils who thrive on consuming the fears of humanity. These Devils are born with a name that represents a particular concept, and the strength of the Devil is determined by the level of fear associated with that concept.

From Devils like the Sea Cucumber Devil and Bat Devil to primal fears like the War Devil and Death Devil, a wide variety of fears are represented. However, there is a unique entity among them – the Angel Devil. Unlike his counterparts, he embodies the fear of Angels but does not exhibit hostility towards humans.

After successfully locating the individual, Makima employed cunning tactics to acquire him. By manipulating him into committing an atrocity, she was able to recruit him and utilize him as a tool. The following details everything that Makima orchestrated with Angel.

Angel Devil’s Origins in Chainsaw Man

Angel Devil in the series (Image via MAPPA)
Angel Devil in the series (Image via MAPPA)

Based on his limited recollection, Angel discovered that he had ended up in a seaside village upon his arrival in the human realm. He was warmly welcomed by the locals, despite being a Devil, and they took care of him. During his stay, he shared that he had been romantically involved with a young lady, referring to her as “the one I adored, and who adored me in return.”

The Chainsaw Man’s Angel Devil is an exceptional example. Though he prioritizes himself as a Devil, he holds no grudge against humans. He has expressed his belief that humans should suffer in death, yet he has also been observed offering apologies and solace to humans during their demise.

This implies that he has a fondness for humans, which is probably influenced by his angelic origins.

How was Makima able to control Angel Devil?

Makima in Chainsaw Man (Image via MAPPA)
Makima in Chainsaw Man (Image via MAPPA)

The initial meeting between Makima and Angel was quite unexpected. It occurred while Angel was happily residing in the community he had come across. While Angel, his partner, and the community members were enjoying a day at the beach, Makima suddenly showed up.

Initially, she asked to witness his devil powers, which he understandably refused. However, she persisted and eventually demanded that he demonstrate them. Several hours later, he woke up to find that his entire community, including his partner, had been killed. It seemed that he had absorbed the life force of everyone around him.

Makima utilized her Control Devil to suppress Angel’s memories, causing him to lose recollection of his past and possessions. As a result, she was able to apprehend him and enlist him as a Devil Hunter.

Understanding the Origin of Angel Devil

Angel Devil and Aki Hayakawa (Image via MAPPA)
Angel Devil and Aki Hayakawa (Image via MAPPA)

Throughout Part 1, Angel is constantly under Makima’s control as she suppresses his memories. However, this dynamic shifts during the Gun Devil Arc. After the events involving the Darkness Devil and Hell, Angel finds himself unable to heal his severed arms.

Aki paid him a visit, encouraging him to establish contracts with humans as he was no longer able to fulfill his duties in Public Safety. Following that, he bid Angel goodbye, aware that he may not survive his encounter with the Gun Devil. However, Angel insisted on joining him in a discussion with Makima, determined to find alternative solutions and prevent Aki from sacrificing himself.

The dynamic between them shifts drastically when she utilizes her Control Devil abilities to form a contract with Aki. In that instant, Angel’s repressed recollections resurface, and he recalls her influencing him to carry out his brutal actions towards the villagers, including his own comrade. This realization drives him to launch an assault on her, but Makima proves to be too formidable as she seizes control over him as one of her pawns.

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