Explanation of Park Myung-soo’s Mention of GD’s Comeback

On August 14th, a new video was uploaded on the YouTube channel “Face Genius Cha Eun-soo”featuring a guest appearance by PD Na Young-seok (Na PD).

Upon being asked by Park Myung-soo about his decision to do live broadcasts, Na PD revealed that he had initially started doing them on YouTube, although it was not a regular occurrence. He further explained that he had come to the realization that doing live broadcasts was no different from creating TV shows, and emphasized the importance of adopting a similar approach to that of YouTubers. According to Na PD, going live allowed for a stronger connection and rapport with subscribers.

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park myung soo
park myung soo
park myung soo

During a conversation, Park Myung-soo expressed his hesitance towards doing a live broadcast, admitting that he tends to make mistakes with his words. Na PD then questioned if radio would be any different. Park Myung-soo clarified that he has been solely doing radio for the past 20 years and enjoys it on a daily basis, appreciating the concept of leaving work.

During a conversation, Na PD remarked, “I have never heard you make a mistake.”Park Myung-soo responded, “But there are times when I do. For instance, I am not always aware of what kind of artist or activity is being discussed.”On August 1st, Park Myung-soo had previously mentioned on his radio show that G-Dragon would be making a comeback in October.

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park myung soo
park myung soo
park myung soo

He replied, “To be honest, I wasn’t aware of either. I assumed it would be around that time. I haven’t had any communication with him. In fact, I don’t even have GD’s phone number. It was mentioned that it would happen before the end of the year, in the latter half of the year…I’m not sure why that would anger anyone. But the media seemed to be upset.”

The source for this information can be found at Daum.

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