Deadpool has certainly come a long way. With his own solo trilogy and now a membership card in the MCU, it’s clear he’s made a name for himself. However, we can’t forget about his terrible appearance in X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
The excitement levels have been turned up to maximum as we prepare to watch Deadpool & Wolverine. With numerous cameos and the highly-anticipated pairing of the main characters, it promises to be an entertaining experience.
It is truly remarkable to witness the Merc with a Mouth’s rise to international stardom within the past eight years. Despite the tumultuous journey of the X-Men film franchise, Deadpool managed to prevail in his signature style.
However, even as we anticipate the new movie, we can’t help but remember the travesty that was Deadpool in X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
About X-Men Origins: Wolverine
The title itself provides a clear indication, but the movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine narrates the origins of the well-known mutant. It focuses on the Weapon X program and the experiments that shaped Wolverine into the character we know.

Despite being released in 2009, three years after the conclusion of the original X-Men trilogy, this prequel film transports us back in time to Logan’s early years as James Howlett.
We also witness Wolverine’s encounter with Major William Stryker and Team X, which ultimately leads to his fateful meeting. Additionally, we learn about Wolverine’s origins and observe the formation of his adamantium skeleton, showcasing his remarkable powers.
Deadpool’s Role
Before he becomes Weapon XI and the X-Men Origins Deadpool, we witness a significant amount of Wade Wilson’s character development.

This iteration of Deadpool differs greatly from any we have seen before. While Wade still possesses Reynolds’ witty charm and self-assurance, he also possesses a variety of unique abilities.
Essentially, this incarnation of Wade possesses the ability to absorb powers from other mutants, such as shooting laser beams from his eyes, teleportation, and retractable katana blades. Stryker dubs him Deadpool, as he has combined various abilities to become a deadly assassin.
Despite his striking resemblance, he appears to be a completely different person. The iconic red suit of Deadpool is nowhere to be found and his mouth is sealed shut. It is safe to say that this is not the familiar Deadpool from the recently released trilogy.
At the conclusion of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Deadpool is decapitated. However, after the commotion dies down, his body retrieves his head and silences it. This serves as the initial evidence that Wade Wilson possesses the ability to regenerate from almost any injury.
Why is it so bad?
Despite Hugh Jackman’s relatively innocent performance, the film is a mess narratively, filled with cliches and sub-par performances. Additionally, the interpretation of Deadpool is so far from the character that it just feels wrong. How much time do you have to watch it?
Despite being a prequel, the film is so focused on examining every aspect of Wolverine that it neglects to deliver a cohesive plot. It is riddled with inconsistencies, alterations to established lore, and the most disappointing aspect is its lack of excitement, making it difficult to justify its existence as an action movie.
Despite some initial setbacks, Deadpool was given another chance by Fox years later. Reynolds proved to be the perfect fit for the role and the potential of the character was recognized. Fortunately, the 2016 film stays true to the essence of Deadpool.
Despite its poor reputation, the superhero movie still delivered a highly-anticipated Deadpool vs Wolverine showdown. This fulfilled the dreams of countless fans at the time. However, we have high hopes for significant improvements in the upcoming Marvel film.
X-Men Origins Deadpool Returns
Despite facing criticism, the X-Men Origins Deadpool has made a reappearance, most notably in Deadpool 2. However, his appearance is short-lived as he gets killed by the present version of Deadpool when he travels back in time.

In the second Deadpool movie, there is a small figure of X-Men Origins Deadpool. This serves as a playful reference to the character’s less popular past.
Interestingly, in the initial Deadpool film, the antagonist Ajax also makes a threat to stitch up Wade Wilson’s mouth. Of course, if he had followed through with this, the humor would not have been as abundant in that particular movie.
Hopefully, we can expect to see more allusions to this unfortunate rendition of the character in Deadpool 3. In the meantime, let’s review what we currently know about Lady Deadpool, the post-credit scene featuring Deadpool and Wolverine, and the Deadpool Corps. Alternatively, we can look forward to Marvel’s Phase 6.
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