Exploring the Question: Does Isagi Surpass Rin with His New Awakening in Blue Lock?

As the Neo Egosit League approaches its climax, Blue Lock reaches its 272nd chapter with the highly awaited showdown between Bastard Munchen and PXG. With both teams showcasing top-tier players, this clash was highly anticipated by all.

Without a doubt, the show has lived up to fans’ expectations. The top players on each team have risen to the challenge and proved their skills. However, given the recent developments, there is speculation about whether Isagi’s progress has surpassed that of his rival, Rin, whom he had been striving to match.

Currently, Isagi and Rin are evenly matched, with only a slight difference between them. However, Isagi has not yet surpassed Rin.

Blue Lock: Isagi’s Awakening Puts Him in a Deadlock with Rin and Kaiser

Kaiser vs Isagi vs Rin (Image via Muneyuki Kaneshiro, Kodansha)
Kaiser vs Isagi vs Rin (Image via Muneyuki Kaneshiro, Kodansha)

In short, Isagi’s recent awakening briefly elevated him above Rin, making him unstoppable. Nevertheless, upon seeing Michael Kaiser also reach a higher level, Rin felt the need to improve and tap into his Ego, bringing him on par with the other two players from Bastard Munchen.

Despite the current state of Blue Lock, the trio remains in an intense deadlock. This situation was initiated by Isagi himself, as he became determined to surpass both Kaiser and Rin, unleashing his “Top Performance.”In response, Kaiser also elevated his game, abandoning his previous style for a new and unfamiliar one.

Despite everything, Rin was still feeling overwhelmed and decided to access his “Berserker State”, the same one he had tapped into during the Japan U-20s match. Those familiar with the manga know the ferocity that Rin gained when he entered this state. As he remembered the origins of his Ego, Rin once again entered this powerful state.

Isagi Yoichi (Image via 8bit)
Isagi Yoichi (Image via 8bit)

Fully trapped, Rin effortlessly dribbled past the defenders of Bastard Munchen until he reached Isagi and Kaiser. Each player had their own goal, hoping to defeat the other two in the triangle and come out on top. As depicted in the manga, the trio were locked in a fierce competition, constantly trying to outdo each other like a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors.

Therefore, this demonstrates that Isagi did not completely outdo Rin with his newfound awakening. Instead, he temporarily advanced a few steps ahead before the green-haired forward caught up. However, there may be a few instances where Isagi has indeed surpassed Rin this time around.

Isagi’s superior game-reading and spatial awareness give him an edge over Rin. His awakening has enhanced his Metavision, expanding his view of the field. This has also enabled him to anticipate his opponents’ actions, allowing him to compete with Kaiser and Rin in the aforementioned stalemate.

Concluding Remarks

Bastard Munchen vs PXG (Image via Muneyuki Kaneshiro, Kodansha)
Bastard Munchen vs PXG (Image via Muneyuki Kaneshiro, Kodansha)

Despite his latest awakening, Isagi Yoichi has still not surpassed Rin Itoshi. While he may have initially taken a few steps ahead, Rin was able to quickly catch up to him. This emphasizes that Rin is still ahead of Isagi in terms of growth and development.

Additionally, the inclusion of Kaiser in the clash between Isagi and Rin intensifies the situation in a thrilling manner.

Currently, there is no room for mistakes, as any slight opportunity can be taken advantage of by any of the three. Therefore, whoever comes out on top will have defeated the other two and established themselves as the rightful ruler of the field.

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