Exposing the Lies of Min Hee-jin: ADOR Sexual Harassment Victim Speaks Out About Protection of Perpetrator and Insults

On August 8th, an individual, who identified themselves as employee B in the ongoing sexual harassment case involving CEO Min Hee-jin, posted a lengthy statement on Instagram. The person stated, “Hello. I am B, the female employee mentioned in CEO Min Hee-jin’s Instagram statement on July 31st.”

B acknowledged, “As CEO Min mentioned in her Kakaotalk conversation with Executive A, I am simply an average office worker without much bravery.”She admitted, “Given her status as a successful producer with years of experience in the entertainment industry and a skilled media handler as a CEO, it would be foolish for me, a mere employee, to consider challenging her. I am still quite nervous as I write this.”

min hee jin

Despite claiming to be a neutral CEO on the issue, she made false accusations and even edited the Kakaotalk conversation. After witnessing her continuous dishonesty, I could no longer remain silent.

B continued, “Although I have been left with only scars and received no support from either the company or the media, I would like to address any misunderstandings and unfair treatment in this post. Due to the multiple issues I will cover, it may be a lengthy and disorganized read, but I kindly ask that you please read until the end.”

B disclosed that the conflict between HYBE and ADOR arose after her departure from the company. Despite not being involved in the issue, she was subjected to suspicion and investigation from HYBE solely because she was an ADOR employee. B also mentioned being approached by the media about the sexual harassment allegations, but she chose not to respond. However, B was taken aback when Dispatch published the entire incident. She expressed, “I used to admire CEO Min and even spent a significant amount of money at Weverse NewJeans Shop. Even after leaving, I continued to send kind and supportive messages via Kakaotalk for the sake of ADOR, but my sincerity and efforts were disregarded and manipulated.”

min hee jin

“B stated that CEO Min had expressed a desire for the truth to remain intact, yet she not only made fraudulent statements but also capitalized on the contents of her personal Kakaotalk conversation with a former employee.”

After experiencing sexual harassment, bullying, and unfair treatment from A, B expressed her desire to resign from her job on March 2nd. She reported the unfair treatment to the company on the 6th and ultimately left the company on the 16th. B also mentioned that this was not the first time A had caused such issues. Despite HYBE’s determination that A’s actions did not warrant disciplinary action, they acknowledged that A’s behavior was inappropriate and recommended that CEO Min issue a warning to A. However, Min Hee-jin refused to follow this suggestion, defending A and instead insulting B.

B refuted Min Hee-jin’s explanation, stating that despite CEO Min’s public criticism of editing, distortion, and unauthorized distribution of KakaoTalk messages, she herself engaged in these actions. B accused CEO Min of deceiving the public by denying that the abusive messages mentioned in the Dispatch article were directed at B and manipulating the context of B’s resignation.

B also reprimanded CEO Min for revealing her Kakaotalk conversation with A without providing any additional context. B stated that during the investigation into sexual harassment and harassment in the workplace, CEO Min used her position to intimidate and discredit B’s reports.

Lastly, B requested CEO Min and A to sincerely apologize. She emphasized the importance of correcting any misinformation in detail and expressed her hope that they do not misunderstand, as they did in the past. B also stated that she would take necessary actions to clarify the truth if they continue to deny the accuracy of her statements. Additionally, B shared the Kakaotalk conversation she had with A.

The main focus is on whether CEO Min will make a statement regarding B’s argument.

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