Failing to save Zevlor in Baldur’s Gate 3 Act 2 has bafflingly disgusting outcome

Saving Zevlor is not a requirement in Baldur’s Gate 3, but be aware that choosing not to do so may result in a gruesome discovery when you return to camp.

Upon reaching Act 2 of Baldur’s Gate 3, it becomes clear that saving the Tieflings, particularly Zevlor, is a crucial task. Despite the constant reminders, it is possible to overlook him and inadvertently leave him to perish in the Illithid Colony.

As a result, some players have skipped over the Tiefling and continued on to Act 3, only to later discover that Orin has taken control of the Tiefling’s body for her own selfish purposes.

According to ‘CheesecakeCommon2406′ on the Baldur’s Gate 3 Reddit, it has been revealed that if Zevlor is not rescued from the oubliette in Act 2, Orin will throw his lifeless and bound body into your camp, as shared in the post.

To put it briefly, if Zevlor is not saved in Act 2, Orin will leave his corpse in your camp with a picture of herself surrounded by a makeshift shrine stuffed in his mouth. This disturbing scene did not endear Orin to players.

It appears that if no action is taken, Zevlor’s body remains in your camp. After Orin drops him in a puddle and leaves, she is most likely laughing in her lair, leaving you to clean up the mess.

Despite the OP’s difficult situation, many players in the comments were able to empathize with them. They expressed their frustration with Orin’s actions, stating that she frequently behaves in a way that makes it hard to feel anything but disgust towards her. However, some argued that she should not be labeled solely as a murderer.

One player commented, pondering what would have occurred if Orin had been the one granted a second chance at life instead of Dark Urge. They questioned whether Orin would still possess a natural inclination towards murder (as it is known that she does not possess pure blood like the Urges do).

Regardless of whether you believe she could have chosen a different path, she does make it clear that ultimately saving Zevlor may have been the best decision, if only to spare you from the gruesome sight of his mutilated body.

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