Fallout 4 radiates more glitches than ever ahead of next-gen update

Fallout 4 radiates more glitches than ever ahead of next-gen update

As the release of the Fallout 4 next-gen update draws near, the wasteland of The Commonwealth is plagued with an abundance of purple texture glitches, much like the presence of radiation.

Despite the fact that odd glitches are a common occurrence in Bethesda games and are often viewed as endearing and humorous, Fallout 4 is not only filled with Ghouls and Super Mutants, but also plagued by numerous texture issues and even some game-breaking glitches.

An upcoming next-gen update for Fallout 4 will include performance improvements and a limited amount of new content centered on the Enclave. This will include new armor, weapons, and a fresh questline.

A demonstration of the purple texture glitch has been shared on the Fallout 4 subreddit, along with multiple reports of glitches, some of which result in the game crashing upon launch.

Haven’t played Far Harbor in about seven years, but it still looks as beautiful as ever byu/The_DMcI123 info4

Despite the fact that Far Harbor is an irradiated wasteland, the waters of the area do not emit a purple glow. Fallout 4 has encountered numerous technical issues since its latest update and is currently awaiting the highly anticipated next-generation update.

Glitches have been reported on all systems, including the game crashing on startup for those with certain DLCs installed, purple textures appearing on certain effects and objects, flickering light textures in specific areas like Diamond City, the character creator menu failing to appear when starting a new game, and a persistent issue on Xbox systems where achievements do not unlock.

The upcoming Fallout 4 next-gen update on April 25, 2024 is expected to address the current glitches. However, it remains to be seen if the sizeable update will introduce new glitches.

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