Family Guy, along with The Simpsons and Bob’s Burgers, has been a staple of Fox’s Animation Sunday for years. However, the show is now undergoing a major schedule change, causing concern among its devoted fans about what this could mean for its future.
According to Deadline, Family Guy will break tradition for the first time since its debut in 2005 by not premiering in Fox’s fall schedule line-up. Instead, it will make its debut during the studio’s midseason rollout in February 2025.
In addition to not debuting during the fall season, Family Guy has relinquished its highly coveted Sunday night timeslot and will instead release new episodes on Wednesdays.
In light of this significant change, Fox Television Network President Michael Thorn sought to alleviate fans’ concerns by explaining that the decision was made in order to maintain a balance between established shows and new series.
Despite the schedule change, Thorn emphasized that Family Guy remains a pivotal part of the Fox audience and the popular show has been renewed for a full season, demonstrating its continued significance. The alteration in schedule will not affect the number of episodes it receives.
It is not surprising that some fans are fearing the worst after witnessing this significant change. One fan expressed their concern on Twitter, stating that the show’s days on Fox may be numbered due to the network’s focus on promoting newer original shows. This could also explain why the show has been renewed even before it has aired.
One individual expressed, “This new fall schedule is incredibly disappointing,”while another stated, “Please do not remove this show from my life.”
It is understandable that Family Guy fans may have concerns, as there have been instances where shows are shifted to midseason due to low ratings or other internal problems.
According to TVLine, the show’s Season 22 premiere drew approximately 919,000 viewers, a decrease from its Season 21 premiere that garnered around 1.57 million views. This could suggest that Fox is gradually phasing out the show by moving it to a new night.
Despite being the creator of Family Guy, Seth MacFarlane shows no indication of slowing down the success of the show. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, he stated that he had considered ending the show, but now feels that it has reached a point of unstoppable success. He does not see any reason to end it unless viewers lose interest, which has not happened so far.
MacFarlane has also implied that a Family Guy movie may be in development, as he disclosed that he has had a concept for a full-length film for the past 15 years.
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