Fast Ways to Acquire Resources in Frostpunk 2

Fast Ways to Acquire Resources in Frostpunk 2

Gathering Goods can prove challenging in Frostpunk 2, prompting players to seek efficient strategies for rapid acquisition. Fortunately, we’ve compiled the most effective methods in this comprehensive guide.

Frostpunk 2 Goods – Top Strategies to Acquire Goods and Their Benefits

View of Goods Drop Down Information Page in Frostpunk 2
Image Credit: 11 Bit Studios via Twinfinite

In Frostpunk 2, Goods are a critical resource reflecting your populace’s need for necessities. The more Goods available, the lower the Crime rate and the more Heatstamps you can generate through taxation.

The production of Goods relies on Materials, so ensuring a robust supply of these initial resources is crucial before progressing to producing necessities. Once you are prepared, you have several strategies to optimize Goods production.

Establish an Industrial District

View of Industrial District in Frostpunk 2
Image Credit: 11 Bit Studios via Twinfinite

Marked by distinctive red tiles, Industrial Districts utilize Materials to generate either Goods or Prefabs. Accessible through the District menu, you can expand these areas to enhance their production capabilities.

Additionally, you can boost output through specific structures, such as the Refurbished Goods Factory found in the Research Tree. Some buildings may increase the Material requirement, but they may also yield extra Prefabs, allowing you to effectively diversify production without compromising efficiency.

To further increase production, consider implementing Emergency Shifts. This Order, available in the menu for each Industrial District, enhances output but heightens risk for workers.

Be mindful that prolonged use of Emergency Shifts can lead to worker sickness and fatalities, ultimately decreasing your workforce capabilities.

Location matters when constructing Industrial Districts. Building them too close to Food or Housing Districts can lead to high levels of Disease and Squalor, undermining your efforts to meet the Goods demand.

Implement Goods Laws

View of Survival Laws in Frostpunk 2
Image Credit: 11 Bit Studios via Twinfinite

Certain laws facilitated through Council Voting directly impact Goods production, with specific laws dedicated solely to enhancing this aspect.

Among these are the Mass Produced Goods and Durable Goods Laws, which tackle scarcity in unique ways. The former enhances output efficiency, making it simpler to increase production from Industrial Districts.

Conversely, the Durable Goods Law ensures that your produced items have extended durability, decreasing overall demand. This strategy can be particularly advantageous in late-game scenarios when Material resources are scarce, and was our preferred choice during gameplay.

Both laws are effective, so choose the one that aligns best with your strategy. Additionally, consider the preferences of various Factions to balance your populace’s needs.

Locate Stockpiles Out in the Frostlands

View of Goods Stockpile Out in the Frostlands in Frostpunk 2
Image Credit: 11 Bit Studios via Twinfinite

As you explore the Frostlands, various resource stockpiles can be discovered. While Goods are less abundant compared to other resources, strategic choices will yield opportunities to retrieve them for your colonies.

One accessible stockpile resides southwest of the Old Dreadnaught, regularly yielding 50 Goods that can be sent back to either the Dreadnaught or New London.

However, stockpiles are finite. Once exhausted, the site will no longer provide resources, requiring you to seek new supplies for your community.

To reach these outposts, invest in Logistics bases and relevant upgrades through Research, as many stockpiles are located in challenging territories that necessitate enhanced expedition capabilities for safe exploration.

Boost Worker Efficiency and Productivity

View of Evolver Faction in Frostpunk 2
Image Credit: 11 Bit Studios via Twinfinite

This approach serves as a complementary tactic that, when combined with the aforementioned strategies, can significantly enhance Goods production.

Generally, you can enhance worker productivity in two primary ways. First, by installing Rail Hubs adjacent to Districts, boosting their efficiency without the expense of creating a new District.

For increased productivity, utilize the Evolvers Community Action known as Train Workers, which elevates the overall yield of all resources handled by workers, leading to considerable output gains.

Maintaining this action can be challenging as it requires keeping the Evolvers content. This involves prioritizing Reason and Merit; however, this can lead to passing Laws perceived as harsh or authoritarian by the broader population.

Keep this in mind before committing to any actions that might impact citizen morale.

How to Accumulate Goods

Finally, let’s address how to manage Goods stockpiling once you’ve established a surplus.

While initially, you can store a limited amount, it’s advisable to expand your stockpiling capacity significantly. This can be achieved by constructing a Goods Stockpiling Hub, accessible via the circular icon at the bottom right of the screen. Installing these hubs allows greater resource storage, with benefits compounding for each additional hub built.

And that concludes our guide on how to efficiently produce and accumulate Goods in Frostpunk 2. With these strategies, you should soon find yourself with a generous supply of resources to support your survival efforts throughout the game.


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