February 2024 Community Day in Pokémon Go: Chansey, date, bonus….

Chansey is the star of February’s Community Day in Pokémon Go. Here’s everything you need to know to enjoy the event.

Community Day is a monthly event that puts a specific Pokémon in the spotlight, giving it an improved spawn rate and shiny chance, and offering trainers exciting bonuses.

However, a Community Day only lasts 3 hours, during which players have every interest in making the most of everything the event has to offer them.

Here’s all the information you’ll need to make the most of February 2024 Chansey Community Day.


Pokémon Go Community Day Event

Community Day is an unmissable event on Pokémon Go!

Date and times of Community Day

The next Community Day will take place on Sunday, February 4, 2024, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (local time).

Trainers have until 5 hours after the event to obtain the Community Day Featured Attack.

Headlining Community Day

Lucky in Pokémon Go

Chansey and the star of February’s Community Day. The adorable Egg Pokémon from the first generation is an iconic monster, known for its colossal stamina stat.

Chansey has a sub-evolution, Priravi, as well as an evolution: Bliss.

Shiny spawn rate

For the duration of Community Day, the featured Pokémon is entitled to a huge boost in the appearance rate of its color version.

Thus, each Chansey encountered during Community Day will have a 4% chance (i.e. 1/25) of being shiny.. a>

Community day is therefore the ideal opportunity to obtain the featured Pokémon in shiny.

Featured Attack

By reaching the latest evolution stage of the featured Pokémon during Community Day or within 5 hours afterwards, the Pokémon obtained will learn an exclusive attack.

If you evolve Chansey into Bliss, it will experience the Mad Lightning attack.

Mad Lightning is a charged Electric-type attack. Here are its properties in PvP and PvE:

  • Trainer battles: Power 100, reduces opponent’s Defense
  • Arenas and Raids: Power 90

Event Bonuses

Here are the bonuses that will be active during Community Day February 2024:

  • 2 times more Candy when catching Pokémon.
  • Hatching distance divided by 4 when Eggs are placed in an Incubator during this event.
  • 2 times more likely for Trainers level 31 and above to receive XL Candy by catching Pokémon.
  • Lure Modules activated during the event will last for three hours.
  • Incense (except Daily Adventure Incense) activated during the event will last for three hours.
  • Take a few snaps during Community Day for a surprise!
  • An additional Special Exchange can be made for a maximum of two per day. (Bonus active until 10 p.m.)
  • Trades will require 50% less Stardust. (Bonus active until 10 p.m.)
  • Ptiravi has a chance to hatch 2km Eggs obtained during February Community Day hours. The Ptiravi that hatch from these Eggs will have the same chance of appearing as a Chromatic Pokémon as the Chansey that appear during the 3 hours of Community Day in February. (Bonus active until 10 p.m.)


Although Community Day ends at 5:00 p.m., trainers will be able to enjoy 4-star Raids with Chansey until 10:00 p.m.

If you manage to defeat a Chansey, additional Chansey will appear around the Arena for 30 minutes.

It is important to note that it will be impossible to access these 4-star Raids with Remote Raid Passes. It is therefore essential to move to an Arena to fight Efflèche.

Special, one-off and field studies

A Field study dedicated to Chansey will be available! By capturing Chansey, you can earn rewards such as more frequent encounters with this Pokémon, Hyper Balls and more.

You can also buy a ticket for €1 unlocking a special Study dedicated to Chansey.

How to prepare for Community Day

Community Day is an event that only lasts 3 hours but offers significant bonuses. We therefore advise you to prepare well so as not to waste time unnecessarily during the event.


Don’t forget to stock up on Poké Balls before Community Day!

Here are some tips for preparing your Community Day:

  • Make sure you have an Incense. These last 3 hours during Community Day
  • Make sure you have a Decoy Module. These last 3 hours during Community Day
  • Build up a good stock of Poké Ball, Super Ball and/or Hyper Ball in order to catch the Star Pokémon in large numbers
  • Transfer Pokémon you don’t need to have as much storage space as possible
  • Consult the event bonuses to take advantage of them

Previous Community Days

Date Pokémon Featured Attack
January 2024 Brindibou Veggie-Attack
November 2023 Axoloto Hydro-Queue
October 2023 Charpenti Centrifugifle
September 2023 Larvibule Flash Change
August 2023 Grenousse Sheauriken
July 2023 Ptitard Riposte
June 2023 Coupenotte Slaughter
May 2023 Feunnec Fire Burst and Bewitched Fire
April 2023 Togetic Aurasphere
Mars 2023 Ramoloss Surf
February 2023 Sonistrelle Bang Sonic
January 2023 Marisson Veggie-Attack
November 2022 Teddiursa Heavy Cavalry
October 2022 To die Fighting spirit
September 2022 Nodulithe Laser Meteor
August 2022 Galarian Zigzaton Blocking
July 2022 Stunned Tornado
June 2022 Solochi Centrifugifle
May 2022 Alolan Racaillou Roulade
April 2022 Nounourson Vampipoing
Mars 2022 Sabelette and Sabelette d’Alola Nightslicer and Shadowclaw
February 2022 Granivol Acrobatics
January 2022 Obalie stalactites
November 2021 Lixy Psycho-Croc
October 2021 Skelenox Ball’Ombre
September 2021 Moustillon Hydroblast
August 2021 Annual An attack by evolution
July 2021 Gruikui Burst Fire
June 2021 Grunting Telluriforce
May 2021 Tylton Lunar Power
April 2021 Vipélierre Veggie-Attack
Mars 2021 Passerouge Calcination
February 2021 Roselia Ball’Météo, Ball’Graine
January 2021 Machoc Reprisals
November 2020 Magmar Thunder
November 2020 They are alive Flamethrower
October 2020 salami Draco souffle
September 2020 Porygon Triplatatque
August 2020 Magicarpe Hydroqueue
July 2020 Fantominus Shadow Fist
June 2020 Aspicot Tunnel boring machine
May 2020 Grainipiot Ball Seed
April 2020 Abra Riposte
February 2020 Rhinocorne Roc-Boulet
January 2020 Tippuff Hydroblast
November 2019 Ouisticram Burst Fire
October 2019 Kraknoix Telluriforce
September 2019 Tortipouss Veggie-Attack
August 2019 Tarsal Synchropeine
July 2019 Gobou Hydroblast
June 2019 Parecool Tackle
May 2019 Dusty Fire Burst Fire
April 2019 Draby Anger
Mars 2019 Arcko Veggie-Attack
February 2019 Marcacrin Ancient Power
January 2019 Kaiminus Hydroblast
November 2018 Héricendre Burst Fire
October 2018 Most expensive Meteor Point
September 2018 Germignon Veggie-Attack
August 2018 Annual Last resort
July 2018 Carapuce Hydroblast
June 2018 Embrylex Anti-Air
May 2018 salami Burst Fire
April 2018 Wattouat Dracochoc
Mars 2018 Bulbasaur Veggie-Attack
February 2018 Minidraco Draco Meteor
January 2018 Pikachu Surf

You have probably noticed that our table does not indicate Community Days for the month of December. Indeed, Niantic has made a habit of bringing back all the Pokémon that had a Community Day during the last month of the year.

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