Feedback on Player of the Game System in Overwatch 2

Although the Player of the Game highlight after a match highlights certain players, it fails to recognize the importance of teamwork that fans of Overwatch 2 have been craving.

In Overwatch 1 matches, four out of six squadmates on a team would receive recognition for their achievements, including the number of kills and amount of healing given to teammates.

Despite their ability to recognize the contributions of less flashy players, these cards did not make a reappearance in Overwatch 2. However, many dedicated fans remain hopeful for their eventual return.

On the Overwatch subreddit, a player questioned the wisdom of Blizzard’s choice to remove the post-game match card system.

Was removing the cards really necessary? byu/Foxtrot-19 inOverwatch

The fan elaborated on how the cards were simply created to showcase the true talents of your team and give you a sense of pride in your work, as it was recognized.

The majority of responses to this post showed support for the original poster’s sentiment that the Player of the Game system unfairly benefits tanks and dps as the only post-game highlight.

Another person attempted to explain the reasoning behind Blizzard’s decision, stating that “reducing the downtime between active matches was a key goal for Blizzard.”

Afterwards, another player stated, “I believe it was removed along with the medals, in an attempt to decrease toxicity.”They went on to explain how the removal didn’t seem to have much impact on the community’s problems and how it should not have been done.

Despite players’ complaints, the recent changes in Overwatch games have not been limited to just one. In addition to the removal of loot boxes, the game also made the transition from 6v6 to 5v5.

In a multiplayer game centered around teamwork and the value of each team member’s role, some adjustments may be necessary for Overwatch 2’s PotG system to satisfy players who may have lost their match cards.

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