FIFA 23 Level Up Crafting Upgrade and Soaring Silver Upgrade SBC: How to complete, expected costs, and more

EA Sports has released a set of Upgrade SBCs during the Level Up promo of FIFA 23 Ultimate Team, aptly titled the Level Up Crafting Upgrade and the Soaring Silver Upgrade SBC. These are similar to SBCs released over the course of the Shapeshifters promo, as they allow players to recycle low-rated fodder cards to obtain packs and complete objectives.

The FIFA 23 Level Up promo has provided players exciting content through objectives and SBCs. The latest set of Upgrade SBCs seamlessly combines both these aspects, as players can now work towards completing objectives by repeatedly grinding these SBCs while unlocking a special Level Up player in the process.

Level Up Crafting Upgrade and Silver Soaring Upgrade SBCs can be used to obtain Level Up Savanier in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team

The concept of completing Upgrade SBCs repeatedly to unlock promo cards is a new addition to FIFA 23 Ultimate Team and was implemented to its fullest potential during the Shapeshifters event with players like Eduardo Camavinga. However, the Level Up promo brings another twist to this system by introducing the Teji Savanier player objective.

Gamers can unlock the base Level Up version of Savanier via an SBC and grind the Level Up Crafting SBC and Soaring Silver Upgrade SBC to eventually obtain the superior 94-rated version.

How to complete the Level Up Crafting Upgrade in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team?

The SBC consists of a single squad with the following restrictions:

  • Player Quality: Minimum gold
  • Number of players in the squad: Exactly six

The overall expected cost of the SBC is around 5,000 FUT coins, and it offers a Three 80+ Rare Gold players pack in return.

How to complete the Soaring Silver Upgrade SBC in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team?

Like the Silver Upgrade SBC released during the Shapeshifters promo, this SBC comprises two squads featuring the following stipulations:

Bronze Squad

  • Player Quality: Minimum Bronze

Silver Squad

  • Player Quality: Minimum Silver

The overall expected cost of the SBC is around 6,000 FUT coins, and it offers a pack containing 11 gold players, one of which is rare. The SBC can be completed 10 times per day. While the price of bronze and silver players is rather low, the SBC requires 11 bronzes and 11 silvers to be completed, making it more expensive than the Level Up Crafting Upgrade.

Is it worth completing these SBCs in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team?

The addition of the new Teji Savanier SBC and objective is a promising sign of things to come during the Level Up promo. This means there will be multiple such SBC-based objectives released over the course of the event. Players can grind for various packs of players by completing such Upgrade SBCs, making the entire process worthwhile.

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