FIFTY FIFTY Incident: Ahn Sung Il and Warner as Collaborators in Tampering

The conversation centers on significant individuals such as Ahn Sung Il, Warner Music, and the agency ATTRAKT, headed by CEO Jeon Hong Joon.

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Ahn Sung Il took the spotlight, criticizing Jeon Hong Joon for mismanagement and dismissing a 20 billion KRW buyout proposal from Warner Music. He introduced two potential plans: the “A plan”and the increasingly emphasized “B plan,”which suggested relocating FIFTY FIFTY to Warner Music’s label.

The article identifies several central themes:

1. Gaslighting: Ahn Sung Il portrayed Jeon Hong Joon as inept and financially careless, which heightened distrust among the parents of FIFTY FIFTY.

2. Fearmongering: Ahn Sung Il disseminated falsehoods regarding debts and financial issues, creating anxiety among FIFTY FIFTY’s parents.

3. Boasting: Ahn Sung Il inflated his significance and accomplishments, claiming connections with international brands and agencies, many of which lacked verification.

4. Manipulation: Ahn Sung Il and Warner Music sought to undermine Jeon Hong Joon, advocating for Warner as a superior alternative for FIFTY FIFTY. Notably, a covert meeting between Warner Music and the parents took place on May 17th, 2023, where Warner representatives continued to disparage Jeon Hong Joon.

The article suggests that Ahn Sung Il and Warner Music’s actions exemplified “tampering”to redirect FIFTY FIFTY away from their current agency.

Source: nate

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