FIFTY FIFTY’s Agency Attrakt Claims Trademark Throne in 31 Nations Amid Legal Clashes

Despite ongoing internal disputes and preparations for a comeback, the agency Attrakt has achieved a major milestone by securing trademarks in various international jurisdictions through a series of legal battles and strategic maneuvers. This marks a significant achievement for the company.

The trademark application was initially submitted by Attrakt and the formal registration in South Korea was finalized on May 24, almost a year later.

Jeon Jong Hak, a renowned patent lawyer and current president of the World Korean Intellectual Property Association, emphasized the main obstacle facing Product Classification No. 41, emphasizing the need for the patent office to make a rightful ownership determination.

“The core issue lies in Product Classification No. 41, which includes the group name. Since the patent office determined that Attrakt is the rightful owner of the trademark, registering other product classifications is not an issue.”

-World Korean Intellectual Property Association

Attrakt encountered diverse timelines and regulatory environments in foreign countries.

Both China and the UK had trademark applications submitted in July of the previous year that were successfully registered by January 7 and November 24, respectively.

The European Union granted registration on February 28, applying to all 27 member states at once, which now requires separate registration in the UK following Brexit.

“Registrations have been completed in China, the UK, Taiwan, and the European Union. In the case of the UK, separate registration was required due to Brexit. The European Union registration simultaneously takes effect across 27 countries.”

-Jeon Jong Hak

Ongoing efforts to strengthen global brand protection are emphasized by upcoming examinations in the United States, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia.

FIFTY FIFTY (Photo : nate)
FIFTY FIFTY (Photo : nate)
FIFTY FIFTY (Photo : nate)

Keena, a crucial figure who returned to the agency, played a significant role in Attrakt’s trademark saga by strengthening their legal stance and trademark acquisition strategies.

Despite facing opposition from ex-members over trademark rights, Keena’s involvement has remained crucial in resolving the challenges.

FIFTY FIFTY (Photo : nate)

After terminating exclusive contracts with members who did not agree, Attrakt is now facing a major legal challenge as they are being sued for 13 billion KRW by these former members. The lawsuit is set to take place in August.

Concurrently, the revamped FIFTY FIFTY, under the leadership of Keena and preparing for a September resurgence, denotes a fresh phase for the organization and its main team.

The importance of Keena’s consent and active participation has become increasingly apparent in the acquisition and preservation of trademark rights. This reflects a change in perspective where the actions of individual group members hold greater influence over strategic choices.

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