Final Fantasy 16 guide – Buried Memories walkthrough

Buried Memories is the 16th main quest in Final Fantasy 16 and one of the longest. The mission explores Clive’s return to the ruins of Phoenix Gate along with Jill and Torgal. He is also determined to discover the identity of the hooded man he spotted in the ruined city. Buried Memories contains many boss fights that will put your combat skills to the test.

This guide explains the Buried Memories main quest and how to complete it.

How to start Buried Memories in Final Fantasy 16

Start Buried Memories at Phoenix Gate (Image via Square Enix)
Start Buried Memories at Phoenix Gate (Image via Square Enix)

The Buried Memories main quest begins after you complete the previous mission Holding On.

Fast travel to Phoenix Gate and go to the crater marked on your map. When you reach the location, a cutscene will begin, and the mission will start.

How to complete Buried Memories in Final Fantasy 16

Buried Memories contains many boss fights (Image via Square Enix)
Buried Memories contains many boss fights (Image via Square Enix)

Mentioned below are the steps to complete the Buried Memories quest in Final Fantasy 16:

  • After the cutscene ends, follow the path marked on the map.
  • Keep following it till you see the hooded man and follow him down a passage.
  • After yet another cutscene, head to the door at the end of the hall.
  • You will be attacked by a group of Fallen Machines here.
  • Defeating these enemies will be relatively easy.
  • After this fight, move towards the other door, where you must fight the Fallen Guardian.
  • The Guardian can be staggered and attacked even though it is not a boss making it an easy fight.
  • Make sure to loot the chest nearby after defeating this enemy.
  • The next room will see Clive encounter enemies called Bombs. These Bombs are recurring enemies in Final Fantasy 16, and you should be able to deal with them easily.
  • Take the elevator to the next floor, where you must deal with another Fallen Guardian.
  • The next chamber will contain the Iron Giant, a boss who will be tough to beat.
  • After defeating the Iron Giant, players will have to battle with a Lich.
  • Head to the side room after beating the Lich and activate the device in the room.
  • Now go back to the room where you fought the Lich, and a bridge will have appeared, allowing you to reach the next chamber.
  • This next chamber contains two back-to-back boss fights that are extremely tough.
  • Players will have to defeat both Ifrit and then the Infernal Shadow to complete Buried Memories.

How to defeat Iron Giant in Final Fantasy 16

Iron Giant is a large boss (Image via Square Enix)
Iron Giant is a large boss (Image via Square Enix)

The Iron Giant is the easiest Boss to face in the Buried Memories main quest, but it can still cause much damage. The Giant carries a huge axe that can be fatal if not dealt with properly.

Defeating Iron Giant is similar to most other monsters in the game. Keep dodging its attacks and find the right time to counter, after which you should eventually beat it.

Try and attack Iron Giant when its health bar changes to purple as he prepares to attack. The Giant will take higher damage during this time, and his health bar can be depleted quickly.

How to defeat Ifrit in Final Fantasy 16

Clive facing off against Ifrit (Image via Square Enix)
Clive facing off against Ifrit (Image via Square Enix)

Clive will have to face off against Ifrit in his regular form rather than being an Eikon. This can make the battle against the demon boss tough.

Ifrit has three signature moves that he uses in the first phase of the fight:

  • Crimson Rush: This move will be used at the beginning of the battle. Ifrit will charge forwards to attack Clive. Time your dodge as soon as he charges forward to avoid getting hit by this move.
  • Vulcan Blast: Ifrit uses this move by kneeling down and casting fire from the ground toward Clive. This move can also be avoided by dodging, but be careful not to get hit by the fire.
  • Scorched Earth: Scorched Earth sends a wave of flames along the ground that can be avoided by dodging.

Eikonic abilities such as Gouge and Deadly Embrace are recommended for this battle.

When Ifrit is low on health, he will start stomping his feet on the ground, producing flames wherever he stomps. Dodge and counter these attacks, and Ifrit will eventually stagger and can be easily finished off.

How to beat Infernal Shadow in Final Fantasy 16

Clive fighting the Infernal Shadow (Image via Square Enix)
Clive fighting the Infernal Shadow (Image via Square Enix)

Right after he beats Ifrit, Clive will face off against a demented version of himself in the Infernal Shadow. The Infernal Shadow will be quicker and stronger than Clive and possess many other powers.

Try and dodge its extended thrust lunge and its fireball from the attack called Fira before countering with moves of your own. The Infernal Shadow can also throw three homing fireballs at you that will be tough to dodge. Your best bet is to keep running and dashing until they eventually miss.

The Shadow will become even more dangerous in its second phase as it gains Ifrit’s powers. Run away from its Hammer and Anvil attack as quickly as you can.

Even though it may be tough to execute, try to get some precision dodges in and attack the Shadow from behind to damage it.

Infernal Shadow using Hellfire (Image via Square Enix)
Infernal Shadow using Hellfire (Image via Square Enix)

As the Shadow’s health lowers, it will cast the Hellfire move. This will pull Clive towards it as fiery pillars surround the boss. Run away from this attack and start striking as soon as it ends to finish off the Infernal Shadow and trigger a cutscene.

The third phase of the fight is the easiest of all, as Clive gets access to the Limit Break Gauge and becomes stronger. This phase will be short as Clive turns into his Eikonic form, after which a series of cinematic clashes ensue.

Clive will emerge victorious as the quest ends with a series of cutscenes.

What are the rewards for completing Buried Memories in Final Fantasy 16?

Defeat the Infernal Shadow to get rewards in Final Fantasy 16 (Image via Square Enix)
Defeat the Infernal Shadow to get rewards in Final Fantasy 16 (Image via Square Enix)

Iron Giant rewards

Players will get the following rewards for defeating the Iron Giant in this main quest:

  • 2 Fallen Iron
  • 60 Wyrrite
  • 2 Meteorite
  • 50 XP
  • 100 Ability Points
  • 1,800 gil

Infernal Shadow Rewards

Players will get the following rewards for defeating the Infernal Shadow and Ifrit in Final Fantasy 16:

  • 1 Fire Shard
  • 80 Magicked Ash
  • 450 XP
  • 180 Ability Points
  • 3,200 gil

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