Final Fantasy 16 guide: How to pet Torgal?

Torgal is easily the most unique and helpful member of Clive’s party in Final Fantasy 16. Although you first meet the furry companion as a small pup during the flashback sequence of the game’s opening chapter, he soon grows into a “Fine Hound,”as predicted by Clive’s father. As an added bonus, you can pet Torgal and give him treats.

Torgal might look like an ordinary hound at first glance, but the white-furred canine can inflict massive amounts of damage on his enemies. He is also the only party member whose action you can control or automate his attacks using the Timely Rings.

To thank the loyal hound for his hard work, Clive can pet him, which is also tied to a trophy you will need to unlock on your way toward the coveted “Platinum.”Here’s a comprehensive guide on petting Torgal in Final Fantasy 16.

How to pet Torgal in Final Fantasy 16?

While Torgal is an integral part of Clive’s party in Final Fantasy 16, you only get to see and interact with your furry companion after the lengthy prologue section, which is roughly a couple of hours long. Torgal joins your party after completing the first chapter and reaches the section where you must fight the Dominant of the Eikon Shiva.

After defeating the Dominant and the following brawl against Tiamat, you will come face-to-face with Cidolfus, who arrives at Clive’s rescue alongside the furry hound, Torgal. After the quick reunion, you will be escorted to Cid’s hideout, where you will get to complete a few side quests before heading out on the main story questline.

After leaving the hideout, you can pet Torgal any time during the game. To pet your furry companion, simply move close to him until you see a button prompt on his head. You must press and hold the “X”button to pet Torgal. Pressing the same button again will make Clive throw a treat at the dog, which makes him quite happy.

Torgal is an integral part of Clive’s party. Hence, a dedicated button prompt makes complete sense. Also, a dedicated “petting”button in a game is always welcome. While there are no gameplay benefits to petting Torgal, it is a worthwhile addition that makes the already stellar combat and exploration-based gameplay loop, much more enjoyable.

As a side note, petting Torgal is also connected to a trophy, “You Can Pet the Dog.”

Final Fantasy 16 is now available exclusively on the PlayStation 5.

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