Final Fantasy 16 PC: Best Settings for Steam Deck

Finally, PC players can now experience Final Fantasy 16 as it makes its way to the platform. To enhance the visuals for the world of Valisthea on the Steam Deck, we have compiled the top settings.

The Steam Deck is facing incredible graphic demands from FF16’s world. Additionally, the action-packed battles and highly-detailed environment, filled with Clive and numerous Eikons, have even stretched the pixel-pushing capabilities of the PlayStation 5 to its limits.

The FF16 demo was made available on Steam on August 19 and has since provided a concerning glimpse into the potential performance of Clive’s complete journey on the Deck.

The high-intensity RPG consistently ran at an average of 30FPS on Steam Deck, experiencing frequent stuttering and lag, even when using the lowest graphics settings.

For those who are interested in playing Final Fantasy 16 on the go, we have thoroughly tested the game on the Valve handheld and compiled a list of recommended settings.

Optimal Settings for the Steam Deck

  • Screen Resolution: 1280 x 720
  • Graphics Preset: Custom
  • Super Resolution: AMD FSR 3
  • AMD FSR 3 Frame Generation: On
  • Frame Rate: 45 FPS
  • Graphical Fidelity: Low
  • Texture Quality: Low
  • Terrain Detail: Low
  • Shadow Quality: Low
  • Water Quality: Low
  • Clutter Density: Low
  • NPC Quantity: Low
  • Variable Rate Shading (VRS): On
Settings Average FPS
Graphics Preset Low 30 FPS
Graphics Preset Mid 29 FPS
Graphics Preset High 26 FPS
Graphics Preset Ultra 20 FPS

The intense battle between Ifrit and Phoenix at the start of the demo appears to be a dizzying spectacle. Despite the Steam Deck’s claim of maintaining a steady 30-35FPS, the handheld device struggled to keep pace with the chaotic clash of the Eikons.

Even worse, the game’s cutscenes, despite claiming to run at a speed of 30 to 60 FPS, moved at a sluggish pace comparable to a Tonberry. In the Steam version, the cut scenes are limited to 30 FPS, but I have strong doubts that this applies to the demo as well.

Clive and his companions in Final Fantasy 16
Square Enix

The full release of Final Fantasy XVI is scheduled for September 17 on Steam. Although the demo may be somewhat playable, it is hoped that Square Enix will improve the optimization of the action for the official launch.

In the meantime, if you’re eager to play FFXVI on the go, we suggest using Chiaki or Moonlight to stream the game to the Steam Deck instead.

While the frame-tight accuracy may still not be achieved, the demo currently provides a smoother experience when it comes to native performance.

Need additional guides for the Steam Deck? Our comprehensive starter guide has got you covered.

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