Final Fantasy 16 storyline and ending explained

Final Fantasy 16 storyline and ending explained

The storyline and ending in Final Fantasy 16, the latest action RPG from Square Enix, are true masterpieces. It’s a brilliant game that boasts a mature story set in the world of Valisthea. What began as a simple visit to a fortress ultimately triggers a series of tragic events that would shake the foundations of this world. Clive Rosfield’s journey is a wild one, and he meets an assortment of memorable characters, and unlocks a wide assortment of Eikonic powers to aid him in his journey.

We’ll go over Final Fantasy 16’s main storyline in brief, as well as a more detailed discussion of the ending. This game also features a post-credits scene, and it’s one you won’t want to miss out on either.

Warning: This article contains in-depth spoilers for the ending of Final Fantasy 16, and features footage of the final battle/ending.

Final Fantasy 16 storyline summary

  • The World of Valisthea
  • The Brothers Rosfield
  • Advent of Mythos
  • The point of Clive Rosfield

1) The World of Valisthea

Final Fantasy 16 is set in the world of Valisthea, a land blessed by the Mothercrystals. At first, it’s unclear where these came from and what their purpose is. Legends say that they are the source of aether, which ultimately grants the gift of magic – via its crystals.

However, people who are born with the power of magic are treated as Pariah – branded at birth and used as slaves until they die. This happens in nearly every faction on the planet, except Rosaria. Through these Mothercrystals, people have been able to access magic. While this is a blessing, the land is also cursed by The Blight.

2) The Brothers Rosfield

The land is being engulfed by this deadland slowly but surely, and nothing can grow. It’s all very mysterious at first. However, the story really begins in Rosaria, with the two sons of the Archduke of Rosaria – Clive and Joshua.

During the events of Phoenix Gate, things change forever in Valisthea. Rosaria is invaded, and a second Eikon of Fire appears. This second Eikon – Ifrit – appears to kill Clive Rosfield.

This send Clive on a journey of self-discovery in Final Fantasy 16, where he learns that he is Ifrit, and that he did not die. He then comes to grips with the power he now possesses.

3) Advent of Mythos

Around this time, he learns that Ultima gave him the power of Ifrit, calling him Mythos. Clive Rosfield has the power to contain and use all of the Eikons’ power – but this is all so he can merge with Ultima and destroy humanity.

Clive’s journey in Final Fantasy 16’s main storyline takes him across the land of Valisthea. He absorbs Eikon after Eikon – some through the death of friends, and others by defeating the Eikons’ wielders in battle.

4) The point of Clive Rosfield

It is later revealed that Ultima set all of this in motion. The Mothercrystals are merely aspects of Ultima itself, which are being used to bleed the land dry of Aether. The source of the Blight is the Mothercrystals themselves.

Ultima’s plan is to make Clive into a worthy vessel, so that he can be possessed. The end-game for this foe is to both reshape, and also destroy Valisthea – the destruction of humankind. Naturally, this leads to a battle with Ultima through several forms and fights.

Final Fantasy 16’s ending explained

  • Arrival at Origin
  • The defeat of Ultima
  • The ending
  • The post-credits scene

1) Arrival at Origin

When the team went to Origin to defeat Ultima once and for all, it consisted of Clive Rosfield, Joshua Rosfield, and Dominant of Bahamut – Prince Dion. The team goes through an epic cutscene where they try to find a way into the massive crystal to battle Ultima.

While it’s not entirely clear what Origin is in Final Fantasy 16, the implication is that it’s a sort of spaceship that led the superpowered beings that Ultima is a part of, to Valisthea. Ultima wanted to absorb mass amounts of aether, and set up a vessel to claim all of the Eikons, putting them in one place.

It is here when Ultima goes into detail about his plans, how they wish to eliminate all life on Valisthea and make it a suitable home for the remnants of his race.

2) Ultima’s defeat

Ultima didn’t count on one thing in Final Fantasy 16 – the power of friendship. What keeps Clive going, and overcoming obstacle after obstacle is the willpower to go on. It is the love and trust of his friends that keeps him moving forward.

Sure, it’s a very anime trope, but it’s a satisfying thing to watch in the later cutscenes during the Ultima Risen/Ultimalius battle. Clive does go into a rage during these fights, since Ultima mortally wounds Joshua, and it’s implied that he perishes here.

Clive combines the power of Ifrit and Phoenix, and brings the pain to Ultima. The fights are intense, and ultimately, Final Fantasy 16’s protagonist absorbs Ultima himself. He makes one last wish, and goes to heal his brother. It’s unclear if he actually succeeds, or if Joshua isn’t dead. Either way, this comes at a steep cost.

3) The ending

Final Fantasy 16 has a happy ending, which is also incredibly bittersweet. It doesn’t appear at first that anyone who went to Origin came back alive. It appears that Joshua has perished, Prince Dion died protecting the two brothers, and there is no sign of Clive Rosfield.

Clive knew that the power he wielded was too great for any one person to wield and he used it to demolish Origin once and for all. This then gets swapped over to the birth of the baby of the lone woman from Ash. It appears that Jill Warwick could sense that Clive wasn’t going to make it. She stares up into the sky as Origin dissolves, and weeps openly.

The protagonist of Final Fantasy 16 sacrificed his life so that people would no longer fight over the Mothercrystals and could live peaceful lives – that people could live how they choose. The last shot of Clive is him laying on the beach, his arm turning to stone. It appears that Clive Rosfield truly passed on.

4) The post-credits scene

After that incredibly emotional, bittersweet ending, there is a bright silver lining of hope in Final Fantasy 16 – at least for the world of Valisthea. It’s not clear what year it takes place in, but it is some time after the battle against Ultima.

Everything looks green and peaceful, as two young boys play outside. The older brother goes inside to help start a fire to make food for their family, and instead of using a crystal, he uses a flint.

This book hints that perhaps Joshua Rosfield didn't die - or Clive saved him (Image via Square Enix)
This book hints that perhaps Joshua Rosfield didn’t die – or Clive saved him (Image via Square Enix)

It appears that magic is gone from this world forever. Another interesting facet is that there’s a book, Final Fantasy, and it was written by Joshau Rosfield. The two children re-enact battles Clive took part in, and the two kids and their puppy certainly feel reminiscent of the two brothers.

What makes this interesting is it feels like it is the world Clive and Joshua could have been born in, if it weren’t for Ultima. This world seems to be more peaceful, though there’s no telling what other hardships await these people now that magic is gone.

Thus, Final Fantasy 16 has concluded. Players can go through New Game+/Final Fantasy difficulty if they wish, and take on some greater, more threatening challenges.

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