Finding Characters in Shadows of Doubt: Using Fingerprints, Phone Numbers, Photos, and More

In Shadows of Doubt, your investigative skills will be put to the test as you search for suspects. However, the information you have at times may be limited.

How to Find Someone with Only a Phone Number in Shadows of Doubt

Locating someone using only their phone number can be quite challenging. While you won’t be able to acquire an exact address, you can narrow down your suspect to a specific building. Begin your search at any Diner in the city, where you can use the phone to call your suspect (other buildings work too, but Diners are reliable locations for finding phone record boxes). Whether the suspect answers or not, simply hang up after placing the call. Next, head to the courtyard of the Diner (where you see the wooden fence) and locate one of the buildings depicted below.

A phone records building for a diner in Shadows of Doubt.
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Once inside, exercise caution. Each area is equipped with a scout laser that you’ll need to disable before accessing the phone records box. Open the phone box and interact with the switchboard panel to reveal your case board. Click on the ‘Outgoing‘ tab to view all calls made from the building and check where the phone call was directed.

Outgoing calls menu in Shadows of Doubt

From this point, you will need to engage in some traditional detective work. Utilize any additional information you have, examine resident files, and ask around to locate your suspect.

How to Find Someone with Just a Fingerprint in Shadows of Doubt

A fingerprint in Shadows of Doubt.
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When your only lead is a fingerprint, your investigation can be quite complex. However, there are several methods to enhance your chances of success.

One effective strategy is to check the mailboxes of apartment buildings you encounter. While this can be a tedious process, obtaining a match on a mailbox provides you with the suspect’s address, simplifying your next steps.

Additionally, consider examining the employee details files of any businesses you’re investigating. These files are typically kept in a filing cabinet, often located in a secured managerial area (marked by a blue CCTV symbol on the door).

An area containing employee files in Shadows of Doubt.
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Each employee details file will contain fingerprints of the corresponding citizens, and you might be fortunate enough to find a match. If you do, search for the desk of the employee and find their employment contract, which is generally located on or within the desk. This document will provide you with the suspect’s address. You can identify the correct desk by examining the name placards, which will display the name of the employee when hovered over.

A name placard in Shadows of Doubt.
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Another useful approach is to check the Government Database at City Hall, as discussed in our Shadows of Doubt Walkthrough Guide. This can be a laborious task since you typically need a name, but you can input random letters to see what names appear, then sift through the results. However, be cautious, as going through a large number of citizen files may diminish the challenge of later cases.

Employee contract in Shadows of Doubt.
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How to Find Someone with Just a Description in Shadows of Doubt

A physical description section on a citizen in Shadows of Doubt.
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When all you possess is a description of physical traits, it can be quite frustrating, and often these cases end up being a waste of time. If there’s no photograph (discussed later), it’s advisable to set these cases aside for later.

As you tackle other cases, converse with people and compile various profiles, you might eventually encounter someone matching the description. The autofill feature will activate when you do, automatically updating ‘unknown citizen’ files as you gather new details, whether intuitively or otherwise. Remember to revisit these cases periodically to check for new developments.

If you’re in a hurry, try initiating conversations with random pedestrians. While you can’t directly ask if they recognize the suspect (you need a photo or name for that), you can use the ‘inspect’ function when looking at citizens to determine if they have matching characteristics. Utilizing the Kaizen V-Love Plus Sync Disk can significantly enhance this process.

How to Find Someone with Just a Picture in Shadows of Doubt

When you possess a photograph of your target, the process can actually be quite straightforward although it might feel tedious at times. Approach any Citizen and select the ‘Do you know this person?‘ dialogue option.

Asking a citizen for information from a photo in Shadows of Doubt.
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Some citizens may tell you to leave, while others might claim not to know the individual, but eventually, you will find someone willing to provide you with an approximate location of where they last spotted the person or even reveal their identity directly.

Once you’ve confirmed a name, head to any city directory located in businesses with a phone and job board to obtain their address.

How to Find Someone from Only Their Workplace in Shadows of Doubt

Identifying someone based solely on their workplace can yield variable degrees of difficulty. To locate an individual based on their place of employment, go to the business in question and find the locked managerial area as previously detailed in the fingerprint section.

However, since you only have the name of the workplace, you will need to thoroughly read through each detail file looking for any additional clues. Once again, the autofill feature is extremely helpful here, so continue checking your case board for matches. As mentioned earlier, locate their desk and retrieve their employment contract to proceed with your investigation.

How to Find Someone by Job Title or Salary in Shadows of Doubt

In situations where you only have a job title or salary, it may be wise to let this case rest for a while. Keep searching through employee detail files and wait for the autofill feature to provide you with a match, or check employment contracts found in offices or homes.

How to Find Someone by Blood Type or Age in Shadows of Doubt

This is yet another situation where it might be best to set the case aside if blood type or age is your only information. To find blood types in Shadows of Doubt, you’ll need to locate ‘organ donor‘ cards, typically stored in wallets. Age can be determined through birth certificates, which are usually kept in boxes within wardrobes at a residence. If you possess an exact birth date instead of just an age, this could be more useful, but several citizens can share the same birth date. Again, search through birth certificates located in homes or wallets.

If you’re left with just one or both pieces of information, it’s probably best to consider shelving the case, as tracking them down will be excessively difficult. Even the autofill feature requires distinct information, and ages or blood types can be common among different citizens.

How to Find Someone from CCTV Footage in Shadows of Doubt

Identifying someone using CCTV footage follows a similar process to that of identifying someone from a photograph, although it involves a few more steps. First, identify your target on the CCTV, then click the ‘Print’ button on the screen to obtain a copy of the surveillance snapshot.

Next, bring up the CCTV image and click the ‘Connections‘ tab on the right side of the image. You’ll see an entry that states something akin to ‘Unknown Citizen appears in outside‘ along with the time and date of the image. Click this tab to create an ‘Unknown Citizen’ file, which will include the image of your suspect. From here, follow the steps outlined in the section about finding someone from a photo.

How to Find Someone from Their Name in Shadows of Doubt

All the strategies outlined in this guide are primarily aimed at assisting you in locating the name of your suspect, as once you possess it, you are essentially set to close the case. To find someone by their name, visit any location equipped with a phone and job board, and search for the ‘City Directory‘. It’s a blue book conveniently located next to the phone.

The city directory organizes entries by ‘FIRSTNAMEINITIAL. FULLSURNAME’, so for example, if you are looking for Ethan McBridge, you would select the ‘MNO’ tab on the right side of the book and look for ‘E. McBride’. Open the suspect’s entry, and it will display their address for you to pursue. Now get out there and go forth with the investigation!


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