The Pokémon Trading Card Game (TCG) Pocket is renowned for its stunning collection of cards, including those that are both powerful and rare. Among these is the elusive 008 Promo Card, which has become the focus of much speculation among collectors.
Promo Cards are a unique class of cards within the Pokémon TCG Pocket, typically accessible only through in-game events or specific retail offerings. This makes them highly sought-after by avid players and collectors alike, who are eager to complete their collections.
However, the 008 Promo Card, noted for its absence, has piqued curiosity. Here’s everything currently known about this mysterious item.
Understanding the 008 Promo Card
The 008 Promo Card functions as an alternate-art Pokedex card, providing players the ability to “look at the top 3 cards of your deck.” This card showcases beautiful artwork by Yuu Nishida, who is well-known for his contributions to the artwork of previous Sun and Moon Promo Cards.
The design of the card features beloved Pokémon such as Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, and Pikachu, all gathered around a classic representation of the Pokedex. This artistic depiction enhances its allure among fans.
The intrigue surrounding this card is heightened by the fact that it remains the sole unreleased Promo Card within the Pokémon TCG Pocket, with developers remaining tight-lipped about its availability.
Availability of the 008 Promo Card
As of now, the Pokedex 008 Promo Card is not officially available in Pokémon TCG Pocket. It stands alone as the only Promo Card absent from the game following the introduction of cards 032 and 033 during the January 2025 Wonder Pick event.
How to Discover the 008 Promo Card
Even though the card hasn’t been released, players can still find evidence of its existence by following these simple steps:
- Navigate to “My Cards” from the main menu.
- Access an Item Card by selecting “Item” under the “Trainer” category.
- Click on an Item Card and scroll down to find “Related Cards.”
- The greyed-out 008 Card will appear in the list.
While players cannot view the full artwork by selecting it, they can confirm its existence and view essential card details.
Future Availability of the 008 Promo Card
As of this writing, the developers have yet to announce a release date for the 008 Promo Card.
Nonetheless, leaks suggest that it will be launched as part of a future campaign. Given that the last two Promo Cards were introduced in January 2025, it’s reasonable to predict that the Pokedex 008 Card may make its debut soon, possibly in the upcoming months to pave the way for new sets of Promo Cards.
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