First Neuralink Patient Shares Experience with Implant on Joe Rogan Podcast: Describes It as an Aimbot for Gaming

Noland Arbaugh discusses on the Joe Rogan podcast how the Neuralink implant has the potential to revolutionize competitive gaming.

Noland Arbaugh, the inaugural recipient of the Neuralink chip among humans, has already seen the positive impact of the implant on his gaming abilities. He can now play Civilization IV for hours on end and even use the chip to excel in chess matches.

The 29-year-old recently disclosed to Joe Rogan that the Neuralink implant feels like having an “aim-bot”for gaming directly in his mind.

In the most recent episode of the Joe Rogan Experience, Arbaugh discussed how the implant’s aim detection is incredibly fast and precise, suggesting that it may eventually lead to the creation of separate leagues for competitive gaming.

“According to Arbaugh, at times the response is so quick that the movement happens before I even consciously intend it. In contrast, with video games, all you have to do is think for the movement to occur.”

In the most recent podcast episode, Arbaugh discussed how the Neuralink’s speed surpasses that of human thoughts, making it challenging for other players to keep pace. Despite being paralyzed from the shoulders down, Arbaugh has demonstrated the implant’s impressive capabilities by playing a virtual game of chess online.

Despite not being tested in popular first-person shooters such as Fortnite or Call of Duty, Arbaugh strongly believes that it has the potential to make a significant impact in these games.

Rogan, utterly captivated by the idea, added his thoughts to the discussion about how the Neuralink could potentially enhance gameplay in competitive titles like Quake, where precision and speed are crucial in gaining an advantage over opponents and fellow players.

Rogan predicts that the Neuralink implant will have a significant impact on fast-paced first-person shooter games such as Quake. He imagines a scenario where a player, like Arbaugh, is running down hallways and effortlessly taking out opponents with the help of the implant. Although Arbaugh has not yet achieved top scores in gaming tournaments with the current Neuralink, he is getting ready to receive a second implant. Elon Musk has promised that this new implant will enable Arbaugh’s other brain hemisphere to communicate with his computer in a ‘telepathic’ manner.

During a post on X/Twitter, Musk mentioned that the new technology would provide users with the ability to control with both hands, similar to a mouse and keyboard. This could potentially give Arbaugh the competitive edge he desires in gaming in the future.

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