Fisch Cursed Seas Event Guide: Cult’s Curse Pool, Cursed Storm Totem, and Additional Tips

Fisch Cursed Seas Event Guide: Cult’s Curse Pool, Cursed Storm Totem, and Additional Tips

In this week’s Fisch Update, the developers have introduced an exciting community-focused event known as the Cursed Event. Unlike previous events that emphasized solo gameplay, this initiative encourages players to collaborate and complete various tasks together. Here’s a comprehensive guide that outlines everything you need to know about participating in the event.

Initiating the Cursed Event in Fisch

To kick off your participation in the Cursed Event, approach the NPC named Silas, located near the Docks of Moosewood. If you’re unsure what Silas looks like, refer to the image provided above for guidance. By speaking with him, you’ll be transported to a secluded cave—the Cults Curse pool area.

The Fisch Community Chart
Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

At the center of this location, you’ll discover a chart entitled “Fish Caught”, which details various rewards that correspond with specific milestones, such as 500 Million and 2 Billion fish caught. The premise is straightforward: as a unified community, participants must collectively catch fish to fill a progress bar. Once this bar reaches certain thresholds, players will unlock rewards proportional to each landmark. This challenge is open to all players, regardless of whether they are on public or private servers. Rally your friends, hop on your boats, and get fishing at your preferred locales to contribute to the community goal!

Rewards for the Cursed Sea Event

The Cursed Sea Event comes with a plethora of rewards, which can be unlocked by reaching designated milestones throughout the event. Below is a table summarizing the rewards and the criteria needed to obtain them:

Rewards Unlock Criteria
Ruined Dreamer Bobber Unlocks at 100 Million Fish
Dreamer Revolution Title Unlocks at 500 Million Fish
Cursed Storm Totem (Purchase) Unlocks at 2 Billion Fish
Access to Cults Curse Pool Unlocks at 5 Billion Fish
Cursed Boat Unlocks at 7 Billion Fish

Acquiring the Cursed Storm Totem

A totem in Fisch
Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

Once the community achieves the extraordinary milestone of 2 Billion Fish caught, players will gain the ability to purchase the Cursed Storm Totem for C$1, 000, 000 in the designated area shown in the image above. So, what does the Cursed Storm Totem do? When activated, it generates a green cloud off the coast of Moosewood, providing double experience points (x2 XP) on fish caught within this cloud, plus a chance to obtain the new Cursed Mutation!

Catching All 8 Exclusive Fish in Cults Curse

A pool in Fisch
Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

Upon reaching the 5 Billion Fish mark, players will unlock access to the Cults Curse Beastiary, featuring eight unique fish species that players can catch. This information is available on the left side of the previously mentioned room.

Fish Name Type Bait Season Time Weather
Veilborn Parasite Limited None None None None
Profane Ray Limited None None None None
Eldritch Spineback Limited None None None None
Bloodscript Eel Limited None None None None
Abyssal Maw Limited None None None None
The Whispering One Limited None None None None
Wretched Guppy Limited None None None None
Hollow Gazer Limited None None None None

For further exploration of Fisch, check out the Fisch Lucky Event Quest Guide – featuring details on Leprechauns, locations, and the Shamrock Rod, or the Fisch Archaeological Hunt Event Guide!

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