Five best ways to use Drivable Tugboats in Rust

The latest Rust update has rolled in recently, and the community’s response to the numerous changes and additions has been overwhelmingly positive. The has been aging like fine wine as the developers take due care and make great additions with every month’s force wipe. With this month’s update, the entire community has been ruling the seas with the newly launched drivable tugboats in the game.

The introduction of the tugboats in Rust has made for some very interesting turn of events in the game. New metas have been established to ensure and get the best out of these beefy machines and make players’ wipes all the more worthwhile to invest in.

How to make the best use of the Drivable Tugboats in Rust?

The drivable tugboats in Rust aren’t merely new watercraft for boarding and traversing the sea. It has the unique ability to provide players with building privileges, build doors, and deploy items to store loot.

Our guide will highlight five of the best ways these machines can be used for maximum efficiency in the game

1) Movable Base

The drivable tugboat is a beefy 3000 HP entity that has building privileges. Furthermore, being able to place doors for security and almost all deployable items besides traps and electricity makes it a great option for a primary base.

Players can traverse the water to grind for components, contest different monuments like Oil Rig and safely store their tugboats in the safety of the Fishing Village without the worry of it ever decaying. It is the perfect tool for solo players to use in their wipes and stay away from trouble inland.

2) Flank Base

The ability to place sleeping bags and beds in the drivable tugboats with the Deep Sea update makes them a great option for flank bases. This definitely comes in handy whenever people inevitably come to raid your bases. They are also essential in providing a safe respawn point for contesting these raids and getting a jump on the enemy during such situations.

Door camping is also another factor that often plagues Rust players in the game. During such moments, you can respawn into their tugboats and safely eliminate these players from a distance.

3) Safe storage space

The tugboats in Rust allow you to place deployable such as large and small boxes to store loot. While it is quite vulnerable to a mere four-satchel raid, they also have the added advantage of being stored in ‘Safe zones’ such as a Fishing Village.

These safe zones do not allow any player to inflict damage upon any structure of the boat, ensuring every aspect of the tugboat and its loot remains safe. You can use this mechanic to store precious loot, such as gunpowder, tier 3 weapons, and other stuff, without worry.

4) Alternate respawn point

You can place sleeping bags in the drivable tugboats, which provide them an alternate respawn point in the game. This mechanic can often come clutch in a multitude of situations.

A locker or boxes with weapons will allow you to quickly respawn and eliminate your opponents in a jiffy. Anyone who traverses the water and contests the monuments like Underwater Labs, Harbor, and Oil Rig will have an added benefit solely for this reason.

This alternate respawn point will often be the reason for turning a fight in the player’s favor whenever there is a brawl in the seascape.

5) Carrier for the team

Being the largest floating watercraft in Rust, the tugboat is the best vehicle to carry a boatload of team members across the ocean. This is perfect for large teams with five members. You can simply stack onto the boat and traverse the ocean, clearing all the monuments within it and farming scrap throughout their journey.

Stay tuned to We for more Rust news and beginner-friendly guides.

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