Five highlights of the ending of the popular Korean drama “MOVING”! Jo In-sung’s undisclosed secret, the war between North and South Korea, and the hidden superpower

(Cover image source: Disney+ “MOVING”stills, IG@goyounjung)

The long-awaited tomorrow is finally here!! Who are you most looking forward to seeing in the finale of “MOVING”?

Disney+’s popular fantasy Korean drama “MOVING Super Powers”will have the final chapter of three episodes released at once on EP.18, 19, and 20 tomorrow. The official release of new stills and highlights will make fans of the drama excited. Soar to the top.

(Photo source: Disney+ “MOVING”stills, IG@goyounjung)

1. “Today’s situation is all because of that guy Kim Doo-sik…!”

The missing Kim Doo-sik (played by Jo In-sung) finally appears. After his mission to North Korea failed, he became a public enemy of the government. To be precise, it was the Minister of Security and Safety who clung to him. The past stories will also be revealed one by one.. In addition, the North Korean army knew Kim Doo-sik. What happened back then?

(Source: Disney+ “MOVING”stills)

2. The determination of Jang Soo-won & Lee Mi-hyun and others: “In order to protect my children, I can turn into a monster at any time.”

Jang Soo-won (played by Ryu Seung-yong), Lee Mi-hyun (played by Han Hyo-joo), and Lee Jae-man (played by Kim Sung-kyun), parents of the generation of superpowers, went out to rescue the children in danger on campus. Their fight with the North Korean army was also the end. One of the highlights of the film is whether it will join forces with the children to fight against the enemy in a life-and-death situation, creating a touching scene that people are looking forward to.

(Source: Disney+ “MOVING”stills)

3.Sensing a person with suspicious flying ability, the bus driver drove into Jingyuan High School!

Bus driver Jeon Ki-do (played by Cha Tae-hyun) discovers the suspicious flying ability Zheng Junhua (played by Yang Dong-geun), and also joins the ranks of protecting the children of Jinwon High School. With his power generation ability, can he become the protagonist in times of crisis? The help has also become a key to the development of the story.

(Source: Disney+ “MOVING”stills)

4.The second generation of superpowers, the potential of children, and the troubles of youth

The abilities that Kim Bong-soo (played by Lee Jung-ha), Jang Hee-soo (played by Go Yoon-jung), and Lee Kang-hoon (played by Kim Do-hoon) have been forced to hide will be freed from all constraints in this war and will be maximized in a short period of time. In addition to Protect yourself and your friends, but also your cherished family members.

(Source: Disney+ “MOVING”stills)
(Photo source: IG@goyounjung)

5. There is also a superpower on the North Korean Army’s side. According to the Internet, this person is Ma Dong-seok from “Crime City”?

There have been articles and discussions on the Internet about Ma Dong-seok’s special appearance (guest appearance), and describing him as a member of the North Korean army. However, there is no accurate official information or response. Whether there will be new characters can only be seen. We won’t know until the final episode number is released tomorrow!

(Photo source: IG@donlee)

Who are you most looking forward to appearing on? Leave us a message and let us know!

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