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Fixing Standoff Not Working in Ghost of Tsushima

Fixing Standoff Not Working in Ghost of Tsushima

If you are experiencing the issue in Ghost of Tsushima where you are unable to execute a Heavy Attack during a Standoff, you have come to the correct source. Here is the solution to resolving the problem of Standoffs not functioning properly in Ghost of Tsushima.

Ghost of Tsushima Standoffs Not Working – Fixed

There are several explanations for why the standoff may not work for players when the game prompts you to hold down the Heavy Attack button, often occurring during the initial standoff in the game’s tutorial. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help solve this issue:

Toggle Button Holds

Screenshot by Prima Games

According to the players, the most commonly suggested solution is to enable the button hold option in the Accessibility section of the Options menu. Go to Gamepad and look for Toggle Button Holds. Set it to ON and restart the standoff. This will eliminate the need to constantly hold the heavy attack button and instead, you can simply tap it when the enemy attacks.

If changing it to OFF does not solve the problem, revert back to the original setting and try again. Some players have had success by switching between the settings, so it may also work for you.

Unplug the Controller

Image via Microsoft

If you encounter this issue while playing with a controller, a temporary solution is to unplug the controller during the standoff and use your mouse to perform the attack. This workaround has been successful for some players in completing the tutorial sequence.

Restart the Game

Occasionally, restarting the game can resolve any bugs. This should resolve any issues you may be experiencing with the game not responding to input from your controller or mouse.

Once you have restarted the game, be sure to test one of the aforementioned methods to see if it resolves the issue. Continue to restart the game until the problem is resolved.

If you find yourself unable to resolve the issue, your only option is to await an official patch that will address this bug. In the interim, there are a few tips you should be aware of in order to excel at Standoffs in Ghost of Tsushima.

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