Following “Along with the Gods”, Ha Jung-woo and Joo Ji-hoon will cooperate again to rescue the hostages after 5 years! Released nationwide on September 1st

(Cover image source: Garage Entertainment)

The movie “Redemption and Rescue”is directed by Kim Sung-hoon, the director of “Corpse War North Korea”, starring Ha Jung-woo in “Drug Lord Saints”and Joo Ji-hoon in “Along with the Gods”. It is adapted from the kidnapping of Korean diplomats in Lebanon in 1986. The location shooting in Morocco, North Africa, took 7 months to shoot, and it is an action masterpiece that has attracted much attention this summer! This is the film that Ha Jung-woo and Kim Sung-hoon collaborated on again in seven years after “Runaway Tunnel”. Both Ha Jung-woo and Joo Ji-hoon agreed to act without having read the script!

(Source: Garage Entertainment)

The story of “Redemption and Rescue”tells that in 1987, Min Joon (Ha Jung-woo), a diplomat who has been unable to leave the Middle East Section, heard a coded message from the diplomat who disappeared in Lebanon 20 months ago from the phone one day. Full of aspirational expectations of being appointed to the U.S. if the mission is successful, Min-joon volunteers to go to Lebanon on an unofficial mission to save his colleagues. After Min Joon arrived at the airport in Lebanon, in order to avoid the baptism of bullets from the airport guard who coveted his ransom, he accidentally got into the car of Korean taxi driver Pan Xiu (played by Ju Ji Hoon). Even gangsters covet the ransom that Min Joon brought and hunt them down. In this situation like being in a minefield, Min Joon can only rely on the only Korean Banxiu. However, can Panxiu, a suspicious person who can do anything as long as he is given money, rescue his colleagues with Minjun? The annual action masterpiece “Redemption and Rescue”will be released in Taiwan on September 1!

Seventy percent of the scenes of “Redemption”were filmed in Morocco. Ha Jung-woo and Joo Ji-hoon also stayed in Morocco for 5 months to film, and they also filmed the scenes of being chased by wild dogs in the hot climate, as well as the extremely exciting scenes. Car chases. Director Kim Sung-hoon said: “I wanted to create an action scene full of tension and urgency no matter what the situation, so I had to push the characters played by Ha Jung-woo and Joo Ji-hoon to the breaking point. Among them, being chased by wild dogs Ha Jung-woo was most impressed by the scene, he said: “On the first day of filming that scene, the situation was ok, but the wild dogs started to be rough on the second day, when the director called ‘cut’, they went crazy There were screams, and even a staff member was bitten by a dog, which made the situation more realistic, so it made my acting more natural.”

(Source: Garage Entertainment)

 Zhu Zhixun, who has debuted for 20 years, has played various roles such as the crown prince, the messenger of the underworld, the prince, the murderer, the lawyer, and the forest ranger in his previous works. The taxi driver also practiced Arabic and French lines for this role, but he said with a wry smile: “I can’t understand Arabic at all, so it’s like an alien language! Because it takes emotional acting, but even if you stay up late for two days The memorization is still quickly forgotten! In French, I got used to it because I often watch French movies, and I still don’t remember any Arabic at all!”

(Source: Garage Entertainment)

Ha Jung-woo and Joo Ji-hoon previously set a box office record of “Double Ten Million Movie Viewers”through the “Walk with the Gods”series, so many viewers are looking forward to the tacit acting skills of their cooperation again! This time, after 5 years, they acted together again. The two, who have a good relationship in private, also revealed their feelings about participating in “Redemption and Rescue”together. There are often many variables, but we are very good at making use of that atmosphere, we cooperate with each other, feel the trust in each other, and the scenes are full of fun!”Zhu Zhixun said: “It is a very touching and touching filming. The scene! It’s very exciting to understand the people I love more!” Director Kim Sung-hoon also praised the excellent acting skills of the two actors. When I met on the ground, when I watched the two perform on the spot, I felt that they were pulling each other like they were dancing Latin dance. I felt that it was a pity that I was the only one who saw it, so this time I want the audience to see their more proficient acting skills. Tacit understanding!””Redemption and Rescue”will be released in Taiwan on September 1!

(Source: Garage Entertainment)

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