For real??? – Boruto fans can’t believe they overlooked this truth in the manga

Despite providing entertainment for fans, the Boruto animanga series, a continuation of Masashi Kishimoto’s renowned work, is plagued with numerous loopholes and inconsistencies in its story.

Despite the series’ glaring issues with female character portrayal, power scaling, and matchups, there was one specific observation made by a fan that left the entire fandom speechless.

Although the problem has never been openly discussed, it is not easily noticeable while watching the series. However, once it was brought to the attention of the fandom, the reactions were quite drastic. Many fans were shocked and had animated responses such as “for real???”

What is the overlooked truth in the Boruto manga?

Despite the lengthy run of the anime series, one observation that has often been overlooked is the fact that it never depicted any rain in the sequel. This detail has made fans question their own memories and the thoroughness of their viewing. Throughout the manga, there was not a single instance of rain, leaving some to wonder if it was a deliberate choice by the creators.

Despite not typically being a focal point for viewers, the unexpected appearance of rain was a shock to fans. This is due to the fact that weather holds little significance in the grand scheme of things, especially when characters’ lives are at stake. Nevertheless, this revelation sheds light on the possible monotony of the anime series, as there is a lack of seasonal changes. Thus, the incorporation of subtle visual details, such as rain, adds a much-needed touch of freshness to the series.

Despite fans’ disbelief upon realizing that there had been no rain, many couldn’t help but question why this was the case. One common reaction among fans was surprise at both the absence of rain and the revelation that a netizen had pointed out something that had been in plain sight.

How Fans Reacted to the Observation

“I thought I was the only ni**a to always remind myself of that fact”, said one fan

“you’re not alone”, said another

“No form of precipitation in 91 chapters. I love boruto but sometimes”, said one netizen

Despite the surprise of many fans at the absence of rain in the series, there have been some who have consistently reminded others about this issue. While expressing their admiration for the anime series, netizens have also voiced their disappointment with certain aspects that have not met their expectations.

“Bro can’t do rain, double page spreads, or high page counts. What can Ikemoto do?”, said one fan

“nah he’s the goat”, said another

“It would be hard for ikemoto to draw a rain bro, he barely drew a background, and now you want him to draw rain”, said one netizen

Despite fans’ criticisms of Mikio Ikemoto’s illustrations, they were not surprised by the lack of intricate backgrounds in the series. His reputation for averageness and lack of attention to detail in his illustrations led fans to have low expectations, resulting in their acceptance of the absence of rain in the series.

Keep an eye out for additional anime and manga updates as we move through 2024.

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