“Force Majeure in Love” Lu Yun almost lost his life to protect Zhao Baoer! How can love in this life reverse the terrifying curse of family destruction in the previous life! (EP.13 –14)

(Cover photo source: Facebook@JTBC drama)

[You Lei] The plot of “Force Majeure”has come to an end, but the relationship between Zhao Baoer and Lu Yun is still unable to be sweet because of the curse of the previous life. Zhao Baoer also remembered the scene of his own death in the previous life, and Lu Yun, whom he loved deeply, was the end of the previous life. The man who owns his own life is determined to cut off the fate between the two today. Lu Yun discovered the curse of the flower shop owner and wanted to protect Zhao Baoer but was assassinated and lay in a pool of blood…

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Zhang Xinyu (played by Lu Yun) and Li Hongchao (played by Zhao Baoer), who thought their relationship was warming up, suddenly remembered that he was stabbed to death by Zhang Xinyu in his previous life, and learned from Grandma Yinyue that such a bad fate would never happen again in this life. The meeting was over, so Hong Chao decided to let go. No matter how much Xinyu asked for help or tried to find a way to get close to her again, she still refused them one by one, which made Xinyu feel very sad and depressed. At this time, Xinyu discovered that blood was flowing from the bottom of the potted plant in the office, and discovered the terrible curse.

(Photo source: Facebook@JTBC drama)

Kwon Jae-gyung (played by Ha Jun) discovered that the monitor in front of the house showed the figure of the flower shop owner lingering, but he was busy on a business trip. At the same time, he called the police and notified Jang Shin-yu to rush to the scene first. When Xinyu arrived, he saw Hong Chao who was extremely frightened and decided to take her back to his residence first. However, Xinyu had already discovered that the flower shop owner was following him, and arranged for Hong Chao to go out to fight with him. However, he was defeated by the flower shop owner and was stabbed in the abdomen. He lay in a pool of blood. Hong Chao blamed himself when he saw this, and sent Xinyu to After being sent to the emergency room for emergency surgery, he never dared to show up again. He only asked about Shinyu’s current situation through Kwon Jae Kyung.

(Photo source: Facebook@JTBC drama)

Nobuhiro and Hongchao were lovers in their previous life, but because one was a miko and the other was a palace guard, they could not be together because of their different status. The guard was asked to get married. Even if he asked the miko to elope, the miko flatly refused. I just worry about his future being hindered. Soon after, the witch was asked to enter the palace and cast a spell so that the heirs in the harem could ascend to the throne of the crown prince, but she would also be cursed and even not have a good death. Although the witch did not actually perform the magic, the prince still fell ill for other reasons. The court hunted the witch and planned to cut her into pieces. The guard officer found his beloved miko, and in order to stop the pursuers from cutting her into pieces, he had no choice but to stab her to death and accept the curse. Killing the miko could lead to the destruction of the family for generations to come.

(Photo source: Facebook@JTBC drama)

Hong Chao believed that he was the cause of Xinyu’s illness and that continuing to be around him would only hurt him more, so he chose to cut off contact and hide in the countryside. No matter how much Nobuhiro begged her, she chose to cry silently alone, but when she received the threat from the flower shop owner that if she didn’t show up, it would be detrimental to Nobuhiro, she finally appeared in front of Nobuhiro again… How can the two of them break the relationship between them in their previous lives? What about the evil curse?

(Photo source: Facebook@JTBC drama)

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