Former ADOR Employee “Executive Who Harassed Me Apologized and Admitted Collusion with Min Hee-jin”

During an interview with TenAsia on August 16th, A disclosed that they are currently gathering evidence for their complaint. The matters to be raised include “Min Hee-jin’s biased role in the internal ethics standards investigation at HYBE RW”, “bullying in the workplace by ADOR’s deputy director B”, and “unjustified salary reduction by ADOR without legal grounds”.

A provided an update on their situation following their disclosure of a sexual harassment incident at the company. A stated that HYBE had contacted them after their initial statement, expressing remorse for the previous investigation and acknowledging Min Hee-jin’s involvement. They also promised to conduct a fair reassessment.

min hee jin

During a phone conversation, executive B contacted A and took responsibility for making inappropriate comments about the sexual harassment incident, as well as colluding with Min Hee-jin in an attempt to influence the RW team’s investigation. B also expressed remorse for the workplace harassment in general. A clarified, “While B did not explicitly confess to everything, the circumstances strongly suggest their admission. The apology seemed to encompass the overall workplace harassment, including the issue of sexual harassment.”

The ongoing conflict between A and Min Hee-jin has been ongoing for almost three weeks since the previous month. A claims that Min Hee-jin interfered with the investigation into executive B, who was accused of sexual harassment and workplace bullying, and also used extremely offensive language towards them. On the other hand, Min Hee-jin denies these accusations and insists that they are baseless.

The original source of this information can be found on Daum’s website at

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