Former WINNER Member’s Ex Accuses Him Of Threatening Her With Intimate Photos

On June 16th, Seo Min-jae shared a Brunch story titled “The Dating Abuse I Experienced.”She spoke about a past relationship, saying “I had someone I loved deeply.”Seo explained, “I cared for him so much that his pain was my pain, and I would have taken it upon myself if I could.”However, she came to realize that even in a relationship like this, abuse can still occur.

“She recalled receiving a call from that individual while he was intoxicated. Later, he messaged her on social media, accusing her of ruining his life by exposing their negative secrets. He also threatened to not only bring her down but also her family’s reputation.”

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The story becomes even more distressing as he proceeded to send me personal photos that he had previously claimed to have deleted, stating, “I guess you can’t predict how things will turn out.”I responded, “There’s no point in sending them to me.”However, he persisted, saying, “Then I will send them elsewhere.”

Seo expressed her disbelief, saying “I never thought this person would do something like this.”She had seen the person’s close friend in a similar situation and witnessed the friend’s struggle with malicious comments. The friend had even made an extreme decision, which must have been difficult and painful. The person (ex-boyfriend) had even written a tribute song for the friend, leading Seo to believe that the person would never do such a thing.

Seo Min-jae explained, “I believed that he would naturally hold a grudge against me for exposing his drug problem through my SNS post. As a result, I drafted an agreement in which I promised not to take legal action against him based on his text.”

Ultimately, her message was that the cycle of revenge for past mistakes must be broken. She emphasized the importance of gradually letting go of resentment towards others and oneself in order to live a happier life. She also encouraged those experiencing domestic abuse to seek help.

Seo Min-jae refrained from publicly disclosing the man’s identity, however, it is widely speculated to be Nam Tae-hyun. In 2022, Min Soo-jae unintentionally disclosed Nam Tae-hyun’s name and their drug use on social media while under the influence. As a result, she was convicted of drug use and received a 10-month prison sentence and a two-year probation after her initial trial in January.

Currently, Seo is employed part-time at a cafe and has officially changed her name to Seo Eun-woo.

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