Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2: All Reality Augments

Because changes are changed continuously as a new Fortnite season begins, several fans were concerned that they would no longer be able to utilize Reality Augments after Chapter 4 Season 2 went online. However, this was not the case, and gamers who appreciate this feature will be allowed to continue using it throughout the upcoming season.

There have been some modifications, and certain old favorites, such as the Shotgun Striker Augment, are no longer accessible. This article will go through all of the Augments that stayed in Fortnite, as well as those that were introduced and vaulted eternally.

How Augmented Reality Works

activating augments in ofrtnite

There are now 17 accessible Reality Augments in Fortnite. This figure is extremely likely to rise as the season develops and new upgrades are made to the game, as it did last season. While many of these Augments are brand new, players must become used to them.

When the combat bus departs the beginning island and begins its normal path, a two-and-a-half-minute countdown begins; when it reaches zero, a Reality Augment becomes available, and players can select between two alternatives. Instead, they can reroll and strive for a better chance at an Augment.

There are some Reality Augments that players are more likely to come across, while others emerge only extremely infrequently. The only way to speed up the unlocking process is to play and survive long enough to activate as many Augments as possible.

Available Reality Augments

chapter 4 season 2 augments in fortnite

A maximum of four Reality Augments can be used each match. They won’t be able to replace or get rid of their option after they’ve made it – this selection will stay with them until they are either eliminated or win a Victory Royale.

None of these skills will ever hurt a player’s game, but depending on their play style and the weapons they choose to carry in their inventory, some might provide a game-changing advantage. It’s also fun to experiment with various Augments because it allows players to establish new and inventive ways for mixing things up.


Reality Augments in the combat category are intended to augment the game’s weapon pool. These can provide gamers an edge when confronted with opponents.

Category number




Light Fingers

Weapons that use light ammunition reload more quickly. This Augment increases the value of SMGs and pistols by allowing them to reload 25% quicker.


Dignified Finish

Eliminations restore the Kinetic Blade’s Dash Attack’s cooldown. When a player defeats an adversary, their Kinetic Blade will immediately recharge.


Shotgun Recycle

Weapons that use shotgun ammunition may not consume ammo. This Augment currently only works on shotguns, however if the Ex-Caliber Rifle is added later, it will also activate with this weapon because it utilizes shells as ammo.


Sniper Surplus

Sniper Rifles acquire one extra round of ammunition in their magazine. Augment was added after last season, but it’s here from the start this time. By utilizing the Heavy Sniper, players will not have to reload after every shot; instead, they will only have to reload after every two shots.


Medium Ammo Amp

The magazine size of medium ammunition guns has been increased. All guns that employ rifle rounds will have their magazine size increased by 10%.

Game Changer

Game Changer Augments, as the name implies, are advantages that cannot be earned in any other manner in the game, making them especially important. Despite their rarity, both the Aerialist and Chug Gunner Augments may affect the course of a match for players who choose to use them.

Category number





The user now has the ability to launch their glider. Aerialist was a fan-favorite Reality Augment since it allowed players to open their glider at any point during a battle, which was useful for mobility and preventing fall damage.


Chug Gunner

A Chug Cannon is given to the player. The Chug Cannon is an Exotic-rare healing pistol that allows users to toss bandages at themselves or their allies to heal them automatically. It also begins charging immediately after tossing an object, allowing it to be utilized forever.

Mobility & Scouting

This type of augmentations makes it easier for the player to roam across the area or spy for prospective foes.

Category number




Shadow Striker

Shadow Bombs can be found in containers opened by the player. Shadow Bombs are only available with this Augment; when used, they render the player invisible to all opponents and grant the ability to wall jump. This is useful for creeping up on adversaries and climbing higher.


More Parkour

After mantling or hurdling, the player’s energy momentarily regenerates.



The user’s cars have improved in health and only utilize fuel while boosting.



For a limited time, enemies hit by the player’s rifle rounds are marked.


Looting Augments boost players’ looting abilities, making it simpler to get goods like ammunition, keys, and heals.

Category number




Slap Surplus

Every treasure chest the player opens yields one extra Slap Juice.


Munitions Slide

When sliding, the player obtains medium ammunition. When this Augment is enabled, players will be able to augment their SMG and handgun ammunition whenever they slide. This is especially easy to achieve on the map’s snowy parts, where there are many slippery icy mountains.


Treasure Hunter

The first time the player enters a POI, nearby chests are indicated. Augment chests will appear on a player’s screen once they enter a designated place for the first time in a match, much like when they claim a location.


Dumpster Diving

As the player exits a hiding location, loot appears nearby, however it can only happen once per hiding place. Although this Augment may appear to be little, there are specific spots on the map where it is rather simple to take use of it, particularly Frenzy Fields; when visiting the Frenzy Fields farm, players will discover heaps of hay stacks, dumpsters, and even toilets in which to hide.


Jelly Angler

The user is given a fishing rod and may use it to fish wherever, however they can only catch Jellyfish.



The player is given two holo-chest keys. Holo-chests are dispersed around the globe, and once the player gets a holo-chest key, they will appear marked on their map – all they have to do is walk towards the nearest lock to see what the holo-chests nearby have to offer.

Vaulted Reality Augments

Regrettably, not all of the Reality Augments from Chapter 4 Season 1 were able to make the transition to the current season. Last season began with 22 Augments, but as time passed and additional upgrades were issued, the number climbed to a respectable 36. There are just 17 Augments this time, seven of them are brand new. Hence, just ten of the 36 Augments made it to Season 2. This is a list of all the vaulted Chapter 4 Season 1 Reality Augments for gamers who are curious if their favorite Augment was removed:

  • First Assault
  • Pistol Amp
  • Bow Specialist
  • Mechanic Archer
  • Demolitions Munitions
  • Rifle Recycle
  • Tactical Armory
  • Rushing Reload
  • Shotgun Striker
  • Danger Hero
  • Rift-jector Seat
  • Last Shots
  • Exotic Grab Bag
  • Rarity Check
  • Mythic Munition
  • Bush Warrior
  • Party Time
  • Tricked Out
  • Forecast
  • Storm Mark
  • Soaring Sprints
  • Zero Chance
  • Icy Slide
  • Splash Medic
  • Peely’s Plunder
  • Harvester

Fortnite is accessible on mobile, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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