Using Earthbending in Fortnite is not only beneficial for protection, but it can also be utilized to execute a specific move that aids in eliminating opponents.
The Earthbending mythic was added to Fortnite through a collaboration with Avatar, providing players with the ability to hurl rocks at their opponents and build protective walls. This is the primary purpose of the mythic item.
Despite only recently being introduced, players wasted no time in finding new and imaginative ways to make the most out of this new talent. One such use is replacing enemy builds, a tactic that can prove crucial in high-pressure battles.
Additionally, the legendary weapon can also be utilized to generate an “instant ramp”and propel you into the air while riding a dirtbike, as one player discovered.
did y’all know that earth bending can be used as an ‘instant ramp’ for dirt bikes? byu/Cedrics0n inFortNiteBR
Achieve this by swiftly changing your weapon to Earthbending while riding a dirtbike, then use a right-click to construct a rock wall.
The rock wall will function as an “instant ramp,”propelling the dirtbike into the air. In a video featured in a post on Reddit, a player used this technique to reposition themselves and gain a better vantage point of their opponent before taking them out with a different weapon.
Alternatively, you have the option to utilize Earthbending’s rock projectile to defeat your opponents – the choice is yours. However, it is important to note that this powerful technique does have a cooldown, so it is not possible to repeatedly use it by continuously right-clicking.
If you’re interested in giving this trick a go, head to the Elemental Shrines to obtain the Earthbending mythic. Just be sure to have a gun and full shield before arriving, as these areas tend to draw a large crowd, including skilled players.
In addition, if you find it difficult to grab an item in a crowded environment, this clever trick will help you immobilize the people around you with a cheesy animation.
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