Found-footage horror movie “as scary as Hereditary” is streaming now

A found footage film, which has been likened to the contemporary hit Hereditary, is currently available to stream and is a must-see for horror enthusiasts who love being terrified.

The year 2024 has seen a surge in successful scary movies, including Longlegs, MaXXXine, and In a Violent Nature. As a result, we can’t help but wonder if horror films are becoming the new summer blockbusters.

However, there is currently a cult movie available for streaming on Shudder that is generating a lot of buzz online. Fans of gory horror films are even comparing it to one of the greatest horror movies ever made, Hereditary.

Hell House LLC is a found footage film that follows a documentary crew as they explore a haunted house where 15 people perished five years ago. It is incredibly frightening.

After watching Hell House LLC, one viewer turned to Reddit to express their thoughts and drew a comparison to the film Hereditary, stating: “I was genuinely disturbed by this movie and it effectively evoked the emotions it intended. The simplicity of the overall premise was taken to the extreme… The last film that affected me in a similar way was Hereditary.”

One person argues that it surpasses Ari Aster’s 2018 movie, stating: “Hell House LLC is one of the few films that truly terrified me in the last three decades. Hereditary didn’t even come close. I was genuinely disturbed for a week, even while sleeping. I watched Hell House by myself in the dark at 2am for the first time, and it felt incredibly realistic.”

In regards to particular characters in the movie, a third individual expressed, “Those cursed clowns almost caused me to defecate in my pants!”

In 2015, Stephen Cognetti wrote and directed Hell House LLC, which was initially shown at Telluride Horror Show. Following its debut, the film received a limited theatrical release in 2016.

The movie received mostly favorable reviews, earning a 73% score on Rotten Tomatoes and achieving moderate success at the box office.

Despite being released over a decade ago, Hell House LLC’s popularity has continued to increase with the release of its sequels, Hell House LLC II: The Abaddon Hotel in 2018 and Hell House LLC III: Lake of Fire in 2019.

To witness the origins, the initial film can be found on Shudder and can also be rented on Apple TV and Prime Video.

For an increased dose of terror, look into which 2024 film is receiving an unforeseen continuation, or browse for newly released movies available for streaming this month.

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