Frank Stone Walkthrough: All Endings and Achievements Guide

The Casting of Frank Stone is a horror game set in the eerie universe of Dead by Daylight, developed by Supermassive Games. This title features numerous choices, various endings, and a variety of collectibles. To achieve 100% completion in this spine-chilling adventure, you will want to follow our comprehensive The Casting of Frank Stone walkthrough.

Note: this walkthrough is a work in progress and will be updated regularly until it’s complete.

The Casting of Frank Stone Walkthrough – All Chapters

To fully complete this game, you will need to discover all collectibles and achieve all 32 achievements in The Casting of Frank Stone. This guide is divided by chapter, detailing the choices available in each, how to ensure every character’s survival, all possible endings, and everything else necessary for a complete playthrough.

Chapter 1: The Burning Maw

Choices in The Casting of Frank Stone.
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Set in 1963, this chapter takes place at Cedar Steel Mill, a key location for the unfolding narrative. You play as Sam Green, a police officer who intervenes just in time to stop a serial killer from taking a final victim.

Cedar Steel Mill

Upon arriving at the mill, you will encounter Tom, the night watchman. During your conversation, you will face several choices. There are two outcomes from your interaction with Tom; most choices lead to a confrontation or a discussion, while others let you examine the logbook for key insights. Explore both split paths in this scene:

  • Path 1: Any decisions diverging from the path below will result in the common outcome.
  • Path 2: For choice 1, select “Serious: I need to ask you a few questions.”Follow this by choosing “Curious: Can I check your records?”This grants access to the check-in and check-out logbook.

Mill Entrance

After your talk with Tom, it’s time to venture into the mill itself. Here, you will find various collectibles and several decision points for Sam.

Trinket collectible 1 of 12: Iridescent King
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Immediately upon gaining control of Officer Green, you can find the first of twelve Trinket collectibles. It’s hidden in the designated area shown above. Squeeze through the indicated narrow space, then search within for a small box on the ground.

The Champion Artifact 1 of 10: Staff File
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Once inside, navigate through a stack of steel sheets and exit through the door. In the office, interact with the filing cabinet and a sheet of paper. Shaking the filing cabinet will cause a clipboard, containing Frank Stone’s Staff File, to fall out. This serves as a significant Artifact, with more scattered throughout the game.

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Continue through the warehouse until you encounter Tom along with Merlin the dog. After exiting the interior, you will come upon a grate that Sam wishes to move. To do this requires a crowbar, which is located by jumping over this section of the fence to retrieve it.

After jumping back, use the crowbar on the grate for a Quick Time Event (QTE). Completing this leads to another split path.

  • Path 1: Fail the QTE and have Tom assist you.
  • Path 2: Pass the QTE with the crowbar.
Conversation with Tom in The Casting of Frank Stone.
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This action will trigger a dialogue with Tom again. You can choose either a friendly or hostile approach, resulting in yet another split path.

  • Path 1: Supportive: I need your help here. (Trusted Tom)
  • Path 2: Frustrated: We don’t have time for this! (Sam snapped)

Storm Drain

It’s now time to descend into the storm drain. Be careful: the ladder will collapse, preventing a return to the surface this way. Therefore, you must venture into the furnace.

Trinket collectible 2 of 12: Wooden Horse
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After dropping into the underground furnace tunnels, you will lose your hat. Start in the direction of the furnace area, but the trinket will be behind you. Turn around from your initial position and take the first left down the tunnel. Look for an open door on the right side wall; inside, there is a wooden box on the floor containing the horse Trinket.

The Champion Artifact 2 of 10: Symbols

Head towards the furnace; from where you dropped down, turn right into a well-lit tunnel marked with a yellow sign reading “Furnace Access.”You will encounter a symbol of a crude weapon painted next to this sign, representing the Champion Artifact 2. There are several, but only the first one you interact with counts.

Relliks 1 of 12: The Hillbilly
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Right before the first spot where Sam crawls, look right. Just beyond some low pipes is the Hillbilly Rellik. After crawling through, squeeze past a wall section and there will be another QTE; you can either:

  • Path 1: You injure your hand and break your flashlight.
  • Path 2: Pass the QTE and retain your flashlight.

Furnace Chamber

Once you make it into the furnace and see the baby, choose between:

  • Path 1: Furnace Ramp.
  • Path 2: Furnace Ladder.

Both options initiate another QTE; failing will result in a fall leading to a second QTE. Regardless, you will get back up to face a new path when confronting Frank Stone.

  • Path 1: Fail the hand-to-hand battle QTE, resulting in your eye being gouged out.
  • Path 2: Pass the QTE checks, but if you lack your flashlight or fail the flashlight QTE.
  • Path 3: Blind Frank Stone with the flashlight by succeeding in all QTEs, retaining your flashlight.

The next decision comes with responding to an issue while getting caught on the wall.

  • Path 1: Fail the pipe check, injuring your shoulder.
  • Path 2: Successfully pull the pipe from the wall.

Fate Sealed for Chapter 1

In the culminating choices for Chapter 1, you can either fail to stop Frank Stone, leading to the baby’s death, or you can shoot Frank Stone and save the infant.

  • Path 1: Fail all quick time events, allowing Frank to kill the baby.
  • Path 2: Succeed in all QTEs, shooting Frank to prevent the baby’s death.
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Achievement – Savior: Sam prevented Frank Stone from harming anyone.

Chapter 2: In the House of Darkness

Chapter 2 takes place in the present day in England, where you play as Madi, a college student. She receives a mysterious invitation from a woman to visit her mansion: Gerant Manor.

Lonely Road

Following a troubling nightmare, you awaken on a plane traveling from Berlin to England. Afterwards, you find yourself in a rental car traversing a narrow, out-of-the-way road. As you drive, you encounter a stranger whose car has a flat tire; she is attempting to hitchhike. Here, you have five seconds to decide whether to offer her a ride.

  • Path 1: Choose to pick up Linda
    • Path 1a: Apprehensive: Ask Linda what she knows about Gerant Manor.
    • Path 1b: Make no inquiries by allowing the time to elapse.
    • Path 1c: Curious: Ask what she does for a living.
  • Path 2: Decline to pickup Linda.

Achievement – Fellow Traveller: Madi picked up the hitchhiker.


Once inside the manor, you will continue as Madi. There will be a few items to locate that will aid in your completion of this chapter. As it’s a relatively short segment, gathering all choices will not prove challenging.

The Storyteller Artifact 1 of 10: Estate Letter
Artifact in The Casting of Frank Stone.
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Prior to exploring the downstairs area, head up the stairs to the left. You will find an unlocked door leading to a sitting room with a piano on the right, a couple of sofas by a roaring fireplace in the center, and two items on separate tables by the windows on the left. Collect the letter to obtain your first Storyteller Artifact.

Relliks 2 of 12: The Huntress
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Ascend the stairs from the lobby and interact with the tables at the top. You will find some music written on a scrap of paper. Take a look at it, then enter the only accessible room on the top floor; within is a piano; interact with the piano to play the music from the sheet. This will open a secret passage, and you will find the Rellik located in the room beneath the stairs.

Achievement – Motif: Played a familiar theme on the piano.


On the ground floor, you will come across a set of double doors that are unlocked. Inside, you will meet Stan, another persona invited to the manor.

The Champion Artifact 4 of 10: Epic of Gilgamesh
Artifact in The Casting of Frank Stone.
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On a table at the back of the room, you will find a copy of the Epic of Gilgamesh, containing notes and highlights. This counts as another Artifact.

Murder Mill Artifact 1 of 10: The Poster

To advance the story, you need to open a cabinet on the wall next to the door you entered. When you do, it reveals the first Murder Mill Artifact. Following this encounter, a lengthy cutscene occurs with your host, who will ask if you’d like a drink. Madi can decline or accept the offer.

  • Path 1: Decline the drink.
  • Path 2: Accept the drink.

Fate Sealed for Chapter 2

This concludes all possible paths through Chapter 2, allowing you to fill out this section of the Cutting Room Floor.

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Chapter 3: A Curiosity on Main Street

In Chapter 3, you are transported back to 1980, where a group of teenagers is filming in the now-abandoned mill. You play as Jamie, filmed by his friend Linda and girlfriend Chris.

Storage Shed

You’ll face multiple opportunities for choices or QTEs during the filming (though none affect the game’s paths) before making several decisions after Sheriff Green disrupts your shoot.

  • Path 1: Jamie apologizes to Sheriff Green.
  • Path 2: Jamie chooses to defy Sheriff Green
    • Path 2a: Refuse the bribe.
    • Path 2b😕
    • Path 2c: Accept the bribe.

Achievement – Easy Money: Jamie accepted the bribe from Sam.

Rivera House

While back in the Rivera garage, you will meet Bonnie, Jamie’s elder sister. You can request money from her only if you’ve first established a positive relationship.

  • Path 1: Ask Bonnie for money after being supportive of her.
  • Path 2: If you’ve already solicited money from Sam, you cannot ask her for money.
  • Path 3: Upset Bonnie by first choosing “Jovial: Howdy, Partner,”then “Shocked: That’s pretty harsh,”and finally “Serious: Family comes first.”
    • Path 3a: Jamie decides to be honest and calls Bonnie back to return the purse.
    • Path 3b: You can choose to do nothing when given the option to either steal or call Bonnie.
    • Path 3c: Steal money from Bonnie’s purse.

Achievement – Five Finger Discount: Jamie stole money from Bonnie.

Choices for Jamie in the Casting of Frank Stone.
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Main Street

  • Path 1: Opt for the Curiosity shop first.
    • Path 1a: Buy the camera without haggling.
    • Path 1b: Haggle the price.
      • Path 1b1: Acquire the camera without accepting the offered mirror.
      • Path 1b2: Accept the extra gift of the mirror.
  • Path 2: Choose the Drugstore first.
    • Path 2a: Jamie purchases fireworks.
    • Path 2b: If you accepted funds from anywhere but only received $10, Jamie will not purchase any fireworks.
    • Path 2c: Buy the camera without haggling.
    • Path 2d: Haggle for the camera.
      • Path 2d1: Decline the mirror.
      • Path 2d2: Accept the mirror.
Relliks 3 of 12: The Trapper
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Within the Curiosity shop, a Rellik can be found, no matter the order in which you visit the shops. With your back to the entrance, explore to the back right corner of the store, which is located beside the checkout counter. The Rellik will be on the ground there.

The Storyteller Artifact 2 of 10: Lawyer Letter

Before you exit the Curiosity shop, look left of the front door. Underneath the sign labeled “Dead Weight,”near the window, you can discover a letter resting atop a couple of trunks. This letter counts as a Storyteller Artifact.

Note Collectible in the Casting of Frank Stone.
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In the Drugstore, play an arcade machine called Fear Trap located at the back until achieving a high score to unlock an achievement. The game resembles Space Invaders; you need a minimum of 5040 points to secure the top score.

Achievement – 8 Bit Hero: Achieved the high score on the arcade machine.

Murder Mill Artifact 2 of 10: Lost Movie Magazine
Murder Mill Collectible in The Casting of Frank Stone.
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In the Drugstore, on the soda jerk counter, there is a magazine featuring an article about lost movies. This counts as a Murder Mill Collectible.

Trinket collectible 3 of 12: Waterlogged Shoe
Trinket Collectible in The Casting of Frank Stone.
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Upon entering the Drugstore, facing away from the entrance, travel to the aisle to your right. Look on the bottom left shelf about halfway down for a small box; inside, you will find another trinket, the Waterlogged Shoe.

Fate Sealed for Chapter 3

Here are all possible paths and choices from Chapter 3:

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Chapter 4: These Walls Have Eyes

The story reconnects with Linda at Gerant Manor. Alone after Augustine has left, you wait for something to shift; meanwhile, Madi is asleep.

They carry Manor

  • Path 1: Exit the room where Stan is.
  • Path 2: Remain in the room with Madi.

Staying with Madi allows you a second chance to collect the Epic of Gilgamesh from the side table if you missed it previously.

The Storyteller Artifact 3 of 10: Blueprints

Once in the parlor, Stan attempts to convince you to shoot a film in the mansion. When that conversation concludes, you can move freely to the stairwell. Examine the painting above the fireplace, and you can wipe the nameplate clean, revealing a button that opens a secret door. Inside the secret compartment, collect a blueprint collectible.

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In the Atrium, you’ll find a single artifact to explore and engage in a dialogue with Madi that may alter your relationship trajectory. That marks the conclusion of Chapter 4.

The Champion Artifact 6 of 10: Face of Evil

While climbing the stairs, Linda engages in conversation with Stan and Madi, discussing where their film clips originated. Afterward, ascend the stairs; proceed forward onto the second floor until you spot a book on a table at the back left. This provides background on Frank Stone; pick it up to obtain the fifth Champion Artifact.

How to get the book collectible in the Casting of Frank Stone.
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Fate Sealed for Chapter 4

After picking up the book and examining it, look at the metal door to the left and engage with Madi to transition to the subsequent scene. She will request a story about her mother, offering you the option to share one or remain silent.

  • Path 1: Narrate a story regarding Madi’s mother.
  • Path 2: Decline to share a tale about Bonnie with Madi.
All Chapter 4 choices in the Casting of Frank Stone.
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Chapter 5: The Phantom of Cedar Steel

Chapter 5 returns to 1980, unfolding in Jamie’s garage. Armed with a new camera, the teenagers prepare to delve back into the mill for shooting.

Jamie’s Garage

During a production meeting, explore the garage; there are three key artifacts to collect: a tape, a newspaper article, and a book. The tape offers three paths as follows:

  • Path 1: Skip listening to the tape entirely.
  • Path 2: If you previously supported Tom in Chapter 1, choosing the supportive option allows you to hear he is no longer drinking.
  • Path 3: If you reacted negatively to Tom in chapter 1, you will discover he is still drinking.

Achievement – Lumpkin and Livin: Discovered that Tom’s sobriety results from Sam’s kindness.

The Champion Artifact 3 of 10: Old Newspaper Article

After Robert and Chris finish discussing their Frank Stone research, you can freely explore the garage. Interact with the articles on the desk where Robert is seated to add this Artifact to your collection.

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Murder Mill Artifact 4 of 10: Oracle of the Omniverse
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On the opposite side of the garage from Robert, where Chris sits, look on the washing machine to find a book titled Oracle of the Omniverse, which offers insights into the multiple worlds Augustine traverses.

Storm drain

Stormdrain in Chapter 5 in the Casting of Frank Stone.
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After conversing with Linda and exiting the garage, you arrive at the storm drain. You must either climb the fence towards Sam’s patrol or jump over a broken bridge to distance yourself from Sam. Both routes lead safely into the storm drain and onward to the mill.

Climb to the Stormdrain

Taking the faster route leads directly to the Stormdrain and into the Mill’s Passage. Along the way, you can find a collectible trinket.

Trinket 6 of 12: The Mother Daughter Ring
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After jumping over the fence, you will find an opening to the left. Stick to the left side and navigate around the rocks until a squeeze prompt appears. Within, you will discover a box containing a ring.

Cross to the Stormdrain

Opting for this path requires balancing on beams, so remain steady by pressing left and right when your character begins to wobble.

Trinket 5 of 12: Tattooed Middle Finger

After completing the first balance check, another beam is available to traverse. On the far end will be a box with this trinket inside.

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Regardless of the path selected, you will find yourself at the Stormdrain and enter it. After Robert provides flashlights, you will proceed deeper into the drain, where a rellik awaits your discovery.

Rellik Location 4 of 12: The Wraith
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Upon walking through the rusty metal door, Robert will mention being under the mill and the need to find a way up. You will be in the tunnels explored earlier; at the first intersection, turn left and squeeze through a wall breach. Inside, you will find a Rellik Doll.

Beyond where you retrieve the Rellik above, you’ll encounter a grate to jump through. Proceed down the hall and through the door at the end into a large room. To the right, on a table, is a box containing a key crucial for acquiring the fourth trinket later in the game.

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Following a cutscene with Bonnie in the yard at the mill, as you assume control of Linda, take a moment to explore before entering the furnace chamber.

Trinket 7 of 12: Wooden Oni Mask

In the yard, you can revisit the grate Sam pried open with a crowbar in Chapter 1. If you broke it, you won’t find a crowbar here, preventing you from obtaining this Trinket. Use the crowbar on other doors situated further back in the yard to find the Oni Mask Trinket stored in a box on the ground between the two shelves. Afterward, rejoin Linda’s crew and enter the furnace room.

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Furnace Chamber

Within the furnace chamber, navigate down to the ground level and scout for a place to film the next scene. Lead Linda all the way to the rear of this room, where the double doors are located, then turn right.

Trinket 8 of 12: The Blighted Rat

At the back right of the furnace chamber, find a small set of stairs. Climbing those and turning right will trigger a squeeze prompt, granting access to a crank handle.

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Retrace your steps back to where Frank Stone was killed in 1963, looking at the platform at the center of the fire pit where his body was laid. There’s a box on that platform; use the crank handle to draw the platform closer. With access, leap over to the box and open it to retrieve this trinket.

Rellik 5 of 12: The Clown

As Linda and Bonnie exit, you will assume control of Chris. Once inside the new door, move right towards a rusted door in the back right corner; it’s further right than the Casting Foundry door. Inside, crouch beneath the bricks en route; the clown doll will be on the left adjacent to the dumpster.

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Trinket 4 of 12: The Iridescent Head

If you secured the key for the Casting Shed in the passageway earlier in this chapter, you can utilize it now. When you’re controlling Chris, Jamie, and Robert searching for the machine shop, you will first find some double doors at the back of the room labeled as the Casting Room. Use the key to enter.

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Machine Shop

Progress requires fixing the generator, needing two parts found around the room, followed by a few QTEs to complete the repair. Interact with Robert at the generator, then find the two necessary parts: one closer to the generator by the suspended train cars, and the other at the back corner of the room.

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Frank Stone’s Lair

While scaling towards Frank’s Lair, a quick QTE occurs to stop Robert from losing his balance. Failing leads to Robert surviving but Chris catching him instead.

  • Path 1: If you fail the QTE, Chris will save Robert.
  • Path 2: If you pass the QTE, Jamie will catch Robert.
The Champion Artifacts 5 of 10: Weapon Designs

Inside Frank Stone’s lair, locate a central table with a notebook filled with grisly details. This is Frank’s journal.

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Interact with the head contained in a jar to conclude this section. Following this, you have two critical decisions to make.

  • Path 1😕
  • Path 2: If you agree with Chris about discussing it later, you can successfully move on.
  • Path 3: Opting for the Shocked option will catalyze an argument with Chris.
    • Path 3a: Choose “I’m not sure we can talk about this later,”leading to a breakup with Chris.
    • Path 3b: Opt to remain with Chris by selecting “Okay, sure.”
Ending chapter 5 in The Casting of Frank Stone.
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When Frank Stone appears, you may choose to flee or try to save Chris. A multitude of outcomes can arise during this scene, many resulting in Jamie’s demise.

  • Path 1: Jamie stays to assist Chris.
    • Path 1a: Jamie uses the fireworks purchased in Chapter 3 to distract Frank, but Chris ends up being sucked into the door, leading Jamie to escape.
    • Path 1b: Jamie attempts using fireworks but fails the QTE and dies.
    • Path 1c: Jamie confronts Frank Stone and subsequently perishes.
  • Path 2: Jamie makes no action before time expires and he dies.
  • Path 3: Jamie flees and survives.

Fate Sealed for Chapter 5

Regardless of whether Jamie lives or dies, Chris will still be drawn through the door, while Frank Stone escapes into the mill, intent on killing everyone.

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Chapter 6: Beyond the Gate

In this brief chapter, you control Madi, then Linda. Initially, you must find a way to unlock the intricate gate that Augustine guards and then explore the interior.


Ascend to the upper floor of the Atrium when Stan unlocks it for you; here, you will uncover an Artifact, a Rellik, and a key.

Murder Mill Artifact 6 of 10: Deed of Sale

On the upper floor, locate the Deed of Sale for the Super 8 camera at the back right of the room on a table beside the window.

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Murder Mill Artifact 3 of 10: Fanzine Review

On the coffee table in the center of the room, you’ll find a magazine open to a review article about Murder Mill. Pick this up to acquire the third Murder Mill Artifact.

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Rellik 6 of 12: The Legion

Nearby a seat around the coffee table with the Murder Mill review, find a Rellik doll, which is the Legion; collecting this will earn you the sixth Rellik.

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After gathering those collectibles, find the key on a diminutive table overlooking the staircase by the window. This key will open a cabinet located one floor below. Inside the cabinet, you’ll discover an incomplete diorama. Moving down another floor, grab the tree from across the room from the base of the stairs. Inserting this tree into the diorama will yield a tiny hammer.

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How to complete the gate puzzle in Chapter 6 of The Casting of Frank Stone

On the same floor as the cabinet diorama, you will find a Hillbilly statue on a small table by the stairs. Hand the hammer to this statue, and you will receive the last component necessary to unlock the intricate gate to the Reliquary. To open it, ensure the pictures on the three pieces match those on the corresponding items you interacted with.

  • One is the house in the diorama.
  • Two is the tree.
  • Three is the hammer symbol from the Hillbilly statue.
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Achievement – Open Sesame: Solved the gate puzzle.


As you enter the Sanctum, continue as Linda. Initially, engage with Stan, where you may offer friendship or place a wager on a coin toss.

Coin toss in Chapter 6 of The Casting of Frank Stone.
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  • Path 1: Wager with Stan, losing when you guess Heads.
  • Path 2: Do not engage with Stan at all, or offer friendship instead.
  • Path 3: Bet with Stan, winning by selecting Tails.
The Storyteller Artifact 4 of 10: Fiction Book

Close to the fireplace in the Sanctum, you will find a book dubbed Fold of Fear, illustrating a dramatized account of the Frank Stone murders.

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