In the beloved national sitcom “High Kick 2”, Jung Bo Suk portrayed Bo Suk, Heri’s father. His character was often the source of chaos and was frequently underestimated by the Lee family. Bo Suk’s ineptitude and lack of talent led to numerous issues, causing frustration both at home and in the workplace. Yet, despite his shortcomings, he also had endearing qualities that endeared him to many viewers, resulting in a loyal fanbase post his appearance on the show.
Prior to “High Kick 2”, Jung Bo Suk boasted an extensive career. He made his acting debut in 1987 with the K-drama “Song of Yearning”, captivating audiences with his striking looks and prominent nose, which garnered him considerable admiration.
Over the span of 37 years in the entertainment industry, Jung Bo Suk has primarily taken on secondary roles, with “High Kick 2″representing a significant turning point in his professional journey. Now aged 63, he maintains good physical condition, with his bright, warm smile still very much intact. The actor remains active, continuing to take on supporting roles, and this year he has joined two new dramas, “Sparkling Oh! Life”and “Adamas,”awaiting their official release dates.
Source: K14
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