Frostpunk 2: Effective Strategies to Quickly Reduce Crime

In Frostpunk 2, crime is a detrimental status effect that hampers population growth and incites civil unrest within your colony. As you navigate the harsh, frigid environment, it’s essential to meet the needs of your citizens who rely on your leadership. This guide outlines the three most effective strategies to mitigate crime in Frostpunk 2.

Understanding Crime In Frostpunk 2 & Effective Reduction Strategies

Increasing Crime stat - Frostpunk 2
Source: 11 bit studios via Gamepur

In Frostpunk 2, crime manifests as civil unrest within your colony. As your population expands, managing their needs and curbing criminal behaviors becomes increasingly challenging.

A shortage of ‘Goods’ or a total depletion of resources significantly escalates crime levels in Frostpunk 2. Establishing Industrial Districts focused on producing ‘Goods’ is a great way to ensure a steady supply of resources. However, be mindful that an increasing population will drive up the demand for these Goods.

Goods Description - Frostpunk 2
Source: 11 bit studios via Gamepur

High crime rates lead to a decrease in your population and a rise in the ‘Tension’ stat, both of which can jeopardize the stability of your colony.

If you fail to address crime effectively, it may escalate to physical confrontations, resulting in injuries and fatalities within your community. Therefore, it’s crucial to explore these top three methods for reducing crime in Frostpunk 2.

1. Surveillance Watchtower

Watch Towers - Frostpunk 2
Source: 11 bit studios via Gamepur

The initial step to curbing rising crime in your Frostpunk 2 colony is to research the ‘Surveillance Watchtower’ from the ‘Society’ section of the Idea Tree. If you don’t establish facilities to combat crime, it will only worsen, making Watch Towers an essential measure.

You can build a Surveillance Watchtower within the Housing District, but you must first expand your Housing District to create a building slot. Here are the requirements for constructing a Surveillance Watchtower:

  • 100 Workforce
  • 80 Heatstamps
  • 40 Prefabs

Once operational, the Surveillance Watchtower will help control crime passively. It also grants access to the ‘Random Searches’ District Ability, which curbs crime but may raise tension among the populace.

Each Surveillance Watchtower adds 12 guards to your colony in Frostpunk 2. The guards not only help manage crime internally but also provide options for dealing with external threats effectively.

2. Isolation Prison

Isolation Prison - Frostpunk 2
Source: 11 bit studios via Gamepur

After researching the Surveillance Watchtower, you’ll unlock the ‘Prisons’ tree. The Isolation Prison stands out as the most effective structure for curtailing crime within Frostpunk 2.

Once established in a Housing District, an Isolation Prison adds space for 500 Detainees, significantly aiding crime control and preventing spikes in criminal activity, even during resource shortages.

To build an Isolation Prison, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • 400 Workforce
  • 240 Heatstamps
  • 140 Prefabs

3. Dutiful Youth

Dutiful Youth - Frostpunk 2
Source: 11 bit studios via Gamepur

Crime tends to rise when resources are low or depleted. Early signs of civil unrest typically start with the youth within your colony.

To combat this, research the ‘Dutiful Youth’ in the ‘Youth’ Idea Tree under the ‘Society’ section. This will grant you the ‘Youth Volunteer Duty’ City Ability, allowing you to reduce crime levels in Frostpunk 2.

In addition to lowering crime rates, implementing the Dutiful Youth strategy increases the worker percentage as young adults engage in voluntary activities supervised by their elder counterparts. However, despite these benefits, be aware that the overall Trust stat will deteriorate over time.

Following the ‘Dutiful Youth’ initiative, you can further explore the ‘Parenthood’ skill tree to enhance crime reduction in Frostpunk 2. However, this may adversely affect your colony’s population growth, which is necessary for long-term sustainability.

For additional strategies, you might find it helpful to check out guides on how to reduce Squalor and acquire more materials in Frostpunk 2.


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