Frostpunk 2 Guide: Choosing Between Order and Faith Story Types Explained

Frostpunk 2 offers a plethora of choices that can significantly impact your gameplay experience. A notable example is the decision regarding whether an ancient symbol on a corpse signifies Order or Faith; this choice alters the narrative trajectory, making it essential to understand the implications of each option before making a decision.

Should You Choose Order or Faith in Frostpunk 2? Outcomes Explained

To get straight to the point, your selection between Order and Faith in Frostpunk 2 dictates which of the two distinct factions you will encounter as the story unfolds.

Opting for Order leads you to interact with the Stalwarts, while choosing Faith results in engagement with the Faithkeepers. Each faction has unique preferences, objectives, and agendas, steering the story towards different conclusions for your post-apocalyptic society. As a result, these factions may clash with others based on their differing ideologies, which can influence the emergence of additional factions at different stages.

It is therefore advisable to select the faction that best aligns with your gameplay style and vision for your city. Below, we’ve provided more detailed information regarding both play styles and their respective factions to help you make an informed choice.

Faith Playthrough Explained – Faithkeeper Abilities, Agendas, and More

View of Faithkeeper Raise Funds Option and Faction Screen in Frostpunk 2
Image Credit: 11 Bit Studios via Twinfinite

In the Faith storyline, the Faithkeepers promote equality for everyone and advocate for a hopeful future.

Their initiatives are focused on improving life for the general populace, which may involve advocating for legislation that guarantees housing and food security for all citizens, regardless of their workload. Additionally, they may champion subsidized housing, which helps meet the need for shelter without overly taxing your available resources.

Their abilities reflect this philosophy. Once their relationship with you is sufficiently strong, they can conduct sermons that unify the community and bolster citizens’ trust in your leadership. When their trust is fully earned, these sermons happen automatically, helping to minimize tensions within your society.

This strategy works wonderfully if your goal is to create a city based on Equality; however, the Faithkeepers have limitations. They are staunchly traditional and often reject concepts that favor Progress or Adaptation over Tradition.

For example, attempting to establish Laws that provide education to children instead of apprenticeship programs may trigger increases in their distrust and Fervour. This could also create conflicts with factions seeking to adapt and evolve, potentially leading to the formation of the Evolvers.

Therefore, we recommend the Faith storyline if your ambition is to build a harmonious utopia, making the most of existing traditions. Any innovations should enhance established structures, and changes should remain consistent with the foundations of civilization.

Order Playthrough Explained – Stalwarts Abilities, Agendas, and More

View of Stalwarts Faction in Council Voting Menu During Frostpunk 2 Order Playthrough
Image Credit: 11 Bit Studios via Twinfinite

In contrast, an Order playthrough in Frostpunk 2 focuses on pushing aggressively towards the future with the Stalwarts.

This faction emphasizes harsh tactics over peaceful strategies and enhances the strength of your guard forces for both defense and to quell protests. Their objectives are geared toward advancement and expansion, often overlooking the well-being and individual needs of citizens.

This approach is advantageous if you aim to construct your city according to your vision, and their readiness to embrace change simplifies the implementation of experimental Laws and the exploration of new concepts. Additionally, their more aggressive stance on dissent facilitates the development of a Captain’s Authority governance style, where you maintain the final say on decisions.

However, this approach also complicates the creation of a compassionate society that genuinely cares for its people. The Stalwarts are likely to oppose any ideas that draw upon Tradition, leading to the rapid emergence of the Pilgrim Faction with their “my way or the highway”mindset.

You must also be vigilant to prevent disastrous outcomes if their influence spirals out of control. This can significantly increase the difficulty of the late game unless you have already pursued the Captain’s Authority pathway, as their growing numbers can foster a volatile atmosphere at lightning speed.

Keep these considerations in mind if you opt for a playthrough characterized by swift and decisive actions.

What Happens if You Don’t Choose Order or Faith?

You might be wondering: what occurs if you select the third option and refrain from attributing meaning to the symbol in Frostpunk 2?

The answer is straightforward: The game assigns a random path for you to follow. This choice is not influenced by any other decisions you make during the prologue chapter, which means you may interact with Factions that align with your gameplay style or stand in direct opposition to it. While we have not yet completely experienced how random this path is, our initial observations suggest that the story seems predefined. Should further details emerge, we’ll update this guide accordingly.

Therefore, you may want to try this option if you desire a completely random experience. Otherwise, selecting one of the core story paths will offer you more control and a more coherent gameplay experience overall.

In conclusion, whether you choose the Faith or Order narrative in Frostpunk 2, both paths are entirely valid. Your decision should reflect the storyline that resonates with you the most.


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