Frostpunk 2 Research Tips – Fast Idea Research, Top Topics, and More Insights

Research is crucial for shaping the development of your city in Frostpunk 2, playing a vital role in deciding the cornerstones of your utopia. This mechanic goes much deeper than it might seem at first glance, and we’re here to provide a comprehensive guide to break it all down.

How to Speed Up Research in Frostpunk 2

There are several effective strategies to accelerate your Research speed in Frostpunk 2.

While most strategies involve the construction and upgrading of specific buildings, others necessitate expansion and exploration throughout the Frostlands. Ensure you establish Logistics Districts to facilitate expeditions, and then try out some of the methods outlined below.

Establish Research Institutes

View of Research Institute in Frostpunk 2
Image Credit: 11 Bit Studios via Twinfinite

Start by building Research Institutes within any expanded Housing District. Each Research Institute enhances the speed at which you discover new Laws and Technologies, though the effectiveness diminishes with each additional Institute.

Additionally, these buildings occupy limited Building slots within each Housing District. Therefore, you cannot add other beneficial structures unless you dismantle the Research Institute.

Nonetheless, this strategy significantly accelerates your Research time. At its maximum efficiency, it can reduce the time required to discover new ideas to just a few weeks.

Research Buildings Enhanced by Reason

View of Training Hospital Research Speed Bonus in Frostpunk 2
Image Credit: 11 Bit Studios via Twinfinite

Buildings such as Teaching Hospitals can also improve your Research speed. However, you must first unlock and Research them through the various trees, which can take time.

Fortunately, you can concentrate your efforts on these projects to expedite them. When examining the Research Trees, look for Reason or Progress icons associated with any ideas. These typically lead to discoveries that enhance your city’s Research speed and can be unlocked more quickly when prioritized.

Establish Research Outposts in the Frostlands

View of Research Outpost in the Frostlands in Frostpunk 2
Image Credit: 11 Bit Studios via Twinfinite

Another effective method to enhance Research speed is to establish Research outposts in the Frostlands.

You can convert specific points of interest into facilities dedicated to your chosen research topic. However, a certain number of Frostlanders must be assigned to the outpost, which limits their ability to participate in building trails, expeditions, and other activities.

In return, the outpost accelerates the discovery of new ideas and Laws, allowing you to allocate your city’s Building slots to other types of structures.

Top Laws and Buildings to Research

Once your Research speed is maximized, you can concentrate on selecting new Laws and Buildings to explore in Frostpunk 2.

While all options can be valid, some provide greater advantages and should be prioritized on your list. Below are some recommendations that align well with your city’s vision.

Automated Workforce

View of Automated Workforce Factory Idea in Frostpunk 2
Image Credit: 11 Bit Studios via Twinfinite

Managing Workforce can be challenging, making the Automated Workforce track of ideas particularly valuable.

Each idea in this track increases your available workforce by utilizing automation in factories, developing Automatons, and implementing policies that reduce the reliance on human labor. This approach results in a higher available Workforce compared to strategies focused solely on maximizing human effort, and it also decreases Tension among your populace by allowing them to work fewer hours.

These initiatives are favored by the Faithkeepers and New Londoners, so look for their icons to guide your upcoming research decisions. Once researched, these ideas can also garner substantial positive recognition from both factions, which is beneficial for achieving their respective endings.

Mandatory Unions

While this Law may initially strain your resources, Mandatory Unions help alleviate Tension throughout your city and enhance working conditions for laborers. This can lead to fewer injuries and fatalities on the job, helping you maintain maximum Workforce levels more consistently.

Additionally, as long as you fulfill the Union’s requirements, they will enhance overall efficiency, resulting in increased resource yields from every District.

Maintenance and Rail Hubs

View of Maintenance Hub in Frostpunk 2
Image Credit: 11 Bit Studios via Twinfinite

Any Hubs are worthwhile to unlock, but Maintenance and Rail Hubs stand out as some of the best in the entire game.

Maintenance Hubs lessen the overall material demands from all Districts, which is especially beneficial as you exhaust your initial Material supplies. Rail Hubs, on the other hand, enhance the efficiency of neighboring Districts, boosting their output in return for a minor allocation of active Workforce.

Both Hub types can optimize your city’s operations and streamline the flow of resources. Furthermore, as both only require a few weeks to Research, there’s little reason not to consider them.

Experimental Treatment

While there are inherent risks associated with researching this idea, the benefits ultimately outweigh these concerns.

By exploring new medical treatment methods, your physicians can develop cures for various ailments, significantly reducing disease prevalence. This research also allows you to provide vaccines for incoming residents, ensuring your existing population’s health and safety.

Moreover, this approach is one of the safer ways to align with the Evolvers, whose preferred research topics often involve more dangerous and self-serving elements.

Vanguard Logistics Bay

View of Vanguard Logistics Bay in Frostpunk 2
Image Credit: 11 Bit Studios via Twinfinite

There’s nothing worse than needing to expand further into the Frostland or establish a crucial Trail but lacking sufficient Frostlanders to do so. Fortunately, the Vanguard Logistics Bay addresses this issue effectively.

This building adds 20 additional Frostland Teams to your roster, and you can construct up to three within your Logistics Districts for a total bonus of 60 Frostlanders. They can subsequently be utilized to explore new areas, harvest materials from the Frostlands, venture into hazardous terrains, and support your city’s expansion.

Additionally, this facility fosters goodwill with the Frostlanders faction, which is advantageous and helps you get closer to achieving the Adaptation Cornerstone.

With that, you’re now well-informed on how to enhance your Research speed and the most beneficial research topics in Frostpunk 2.


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