Frostpunk 2: Tips for Increasing Heat Production

Managing heat is the most crucial resource in Frostpunk 2. It ensures that your colony’s citizens remain warm and capable of fulfilling their work assignments. This not only allows them to live their daily lives peacefully but also prevents severe issues like frostbite. To increase heat in Frostpunk 2, accumulating a vast amount of fuel is essential to avoid running out while supplying warmth to your colony.

All Methods To Generate Heat in Frostpunk 2

Gas Heat Method - Frostpunk 2
Source: 11 bit studios via Gamepur

Explore these four methods to generate heat and keep your citizens warm in Frostpunk 2:

  • Coal Fuel Source
  • Oil Fuel Source
  • Gas Source
  • Heat Actuators

The first three sources are the fuel types you can collect and stockpile for a continuous supply of heat to your colony. You can extract these fuels from unique locations such as Coal Mines, Oil Fields, and Gas Fields.

To collect these three essential resources, you must establish extraction zones that enable you to generate more heat in Frostpunk 2. Numerous research options are available, allowing you to construct additional structures in the extraction district, which will enhance the yield of your fuel sources each week.

Researching Pumpjacks for Oil, Coal Liquefaction for Coal, and Geothermal Plants for Gas is advisable. Constructing these facilities based on available extraction resources will significantly increase your fuel accumulation over time.

Frostpunk 2 - Heat Buildings
Source: 11 bit studios via Gamepur

Heat Actuators require materials as a resource and provide heat to the tiles in the districts where they are installed. Building these Heat Actuator hubs within districts will help fulfill heat demand. Furthermore, the generator is designed to consume less fuel during particularly taxing periods.

However, be cautious with your materials supply, as installing numerous Heat Actuator units can accelerate material consumption across your colony.

Why Is Additional Heat Necessary?

Frostpunk 2 - Heat Management
Source: 11 bit studios via Gamepur

As temperatures fluctuate, the heat demand in your colony will rise and fall. Cold days bring about increased heat demand, while warmer days see a decrease. During cold spells, the generator consumes more fuel to bridge the supply and demand gap, burning a considerable amount during extreme weather conditions.

Preparation is crucial for survival in Frostpunk 2. Neglecting fuel management can lead to dire consequences. By having access to multiple fuel sources, you ensure a backup option for heating in case one fuel type runs dry.

Gas Heat Method - Frostpunk 2
Source: 11 bit studios via Gamepur

Even with all three of the fuel sources mentioned earlier, it’s essential to upgrade the generator to enhance its heat production without increasing fuel consumption. Failing to upgrade will necessitate reliance on Heat Actuators to fulfill heat demands.

Thus, it is vital for your survival strategy to continuously gather more fuel resources to ensure sufficient heat during the brutally cold days in Frostpunk 2.

Before you leave, consider checking out: Frostpunk 2 Review, along with guides on how to acquire more goods and quickly reduce crime.


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